MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Stupid pearlmattes!
I knew they were going to say "coming soon" . It seems to be the one thing almost everybody wants to try


Well-known member
I don't think most of us non-pro people are worried about not being able to get the items at all because like you said there are the other stores and stuff I think it's mainly we're worried about getting the products early and not having to deal with launch date in stores (since most seem to have different days or only few products) thus why we stayed up for 24 hours. Pros stayed up because they're lucky enough to get a discount but us non-pros only get the benefit of getting the product early other wise we would have just slept and waited until it came to our store near us.....which I might end up doing now.


Well-known member
Praying this releases on regular site within the next hour. Have to leave for class, and if this releases while I am driving to school ( and i miss it after sacrificing sleep )... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu stay out of my way today!


Well-known member
For those of you non-pro members worried that there won't be anything left when it releases: there are MAC stores, Macy's counters, Nordstrom counters, etc you can go to. It'll also be up on those websites. Hope this helps and brings you a small amount of peace of mind.
True but non-pro people might be pissed they missed sleep stalking the site just to find that it sold it and they couldnt do anything about it :-\


Maybe I'm being naive, but I think there is a good chance those of us non-pros in full-on stalker mode will be able to get what we want online as long as we remain on the ball (and I know it's not easy with work, etc.) today.

Wasn't the Marilyn collection released to EVERYONE that crazy sell-out morning? Not just PRO members? I know that "regulars" scored their goodies because they happened to be awake at the right time - and everyone and their Mom was waiting for that collection! That gives me hope that there will be stuff left for us when they decide to launch the collection which - according to everything I've read - will be sometime today.

Again, I could be totally wrong here, but I'm more excited than worried (and I'm always worried)! :)

Good luck to everyone!


Well-known member
I don't think most of us non-pro people are worried about not being able to get the items at all because like you said there are the other stores and stuff I think it's mainly we're worried about getting the products early and not having to deal with launch date in stores (since most seem to have different days or only few products) thus why we stayed up for 24 hours. Pros stayed up because they're lucky enough to get a discount but us non-pros only get the benefit of getting the product early other wise we would have just slept and waited until it came to our store near us.....which I might end up doing now.
That IS what I'm worried about. All that was left of Marilyn by noon on the day of release were the scraps. Mac can't get it together to give accurate information when you contact their reps. They can't get it together to ensure a certain amount of product is available to regular customers. They can't get it together to have the whole collection available at once.


Well-known member
Soon as the episode of the show I'm watching is over I'm going to bed. I'll try to wake up in a few hours and hope the collection is up (and still in stock)

Maybe it's the sleep deprivation...but I'm surprisingly okay with this whole thing