MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Hello everyone! I've been trolling silently these past couple of days but now Im ready to come out full on stalker mode! Just got out of work and ready to refresh the whole commute home (not driving k?) Can't wait to see the first "IT'S UP ON THE SITE!!!" posts :)


Well-known member
Wow, this thread is crazy busy!!! I can just imagine the new members' heads exploding trying to keep up with all the posts, lol. Don't worry, new people! It's not always like this, haha!

So now that I'm actually able to take a break at work, I'm giving my report. I placed my order this morning for 1 Betty Bright l/s, 1 Kiss & Don't Tell l/g, and 1 Cream Soda blush. Oh, and a Shell Pearl from YotS. Did standard shipping, as always.

To those of you still waiting and stressing, try not to stress it too much. I know it sucks, and I admit that I stayed up until a little after midnight the past couple of nights stalking the site for this collection, but remember: 1) It is just makeup, after all. We all love it and hoard it like Twinkies before the apocalypse, but don't make yourself sick over it! And 2) Keep in mind that even if there are no MAC stores or counters near you, you still have the option of ordering online from a department store (Macy's, Bloomie's, Nordie's, etc). That is one benefit of not being a Pro member, in all honesty. If Pros want their discount, they can only buy from a MAC store or MAC's website. Their discount does not apply at counters in department stores or their respective websites. So chin up, everyone! There are plenty of MAC store, department store, and online releases ahead! Stalk them all and I'm sure you'll get everything you want (or at least close to it!!)

Cheering on my fellow specktrettes!!!

Your words totally brought back my faith LOL!! I mean seriously is true all what you just said is just makeup after all and I wasn't even thinking about Nordies, bloimie's and all the other department stores that will carry the collection. Thank you for cheering us up girl!:)


Well-known member
It represents the crumbs Mac leaves for the rest of us non-pros.
Ooooo I thought those were the crumbs left from your snacking while staying up late to wait for the collection to release. I know I ended up with a few plates that looked like that the past couple of nights, lol.


Well-known member
Same! I guess if we miss out on the MAC launch we can stalk for Macy's, Nordies, and Bloomies to put them up. Still - I'd rather be able to get my stuff and sit back!
I just called my father. The only big reason why I want anything from this collection is he used to buy me Archie comics when I was younger, plus I've been obsessed with blush recently. He said he would check to site periodically while I'm at work. Daddy's Girl


Active member
I was really stressing out I would miss out on everything, but luckily I got everything I wanted (or at least could afford) and now am a happy girl! I hope every one else can get what they want! and like someone said in a previous post, of you miss getting on the MAC website you can always get to Macy's, or Nordstrom, etc.. My sister did that with the Marilyn lipsticks. Happy shopping all!


Well-known member
well. so much for talking myself out of this collection. i ordered both PMs.

i still want both palettes, two lipsticks, a blush and probably two glosses, but those damn PMs were sitting on my shoulders, playing with my hair and just being all "heeey laaddaaay!" with me today. suckabutts. :p
Glad to hear you got them


Well-known member
What are u planning on getting MacNcheese? I admire your dedication and congrats on your pending anniversary!!!!
Aww, thank you doll! I keep going back and fourth on getting BUs, but I know for sure that I want DLG, BB, RR, and PP. I was looking at Mall Madness, but I don't really do glosses, and am not a fan of the texture of lipglass. You pre-ordered right? I know you went last night and swatched.