MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Way to cute to pass up---they're also functional you know!
My other posts weren't showing up I wonder if this one will

Anyway I've been stalking since Sunday night and it's starting to catch up to me. I'm sooo tired I just want to nap, but I'm afraid as soon as I do that's when this will launch! On top of that I have wisdom teeth coming in and have a huge headache D: Aaaand I have anxiety about not getting what I want "orz I wish it could launch for regulars already so I can get back to real life and rest.. This is causing me emotional and physical pain..!

I just want my Betty Bright, Ronnie Red, Kiss & Don't Tell, Strawberry Malt and Flatter me..!


Well-known member
OK I just saw on instagram that a girl got the text for AG, and she was complaining that it wasn't up yet. HAS ANYONE GOT A TEXT?!!!! I didn't get a text!!!! Plz tell me this means it will be within an hr!


Well-known member
Hello lovelies! Decided to join in the conversations.

I think from this collection i will only be getting Ronnie Red l/s, I just called my local MAC counter @ Macy's and the MUA said they won't be taking pre-orders or doing holds (weird) because they are very limited to the items they'll be getting in. So i am now stalking the MAC site like the rest. I really do hope to be able to purchase this lipstick because i'm on a red lipstick binge this past month lol. Only reason i don't want to purchase anything else from the collection is because i really do want some of the new Tom Ford ones which are also limited editions. Hoping to purchase them this coming week.
i think ronnie red might survive within the first hour since people seems not to really speak about it. i want ronnie red also because i want a veronica lipstick but the other 2 colors I'm not happy about so ill just go with red since its safe lol


Well-known member
My other posts weren't showing up I wonder if this one will

Anyway I've been stalking since Sunday night and it's starting to catch up to me. I'm sooo tired I just want to nap, but I'm afraid as soon as I do that's when this will launch! On top of that I have wisdom teeth coming in and have a huge headache D: Aaaand I have anxiety about not getting what I want "orz I wish it could launch for regulars already so I can get back to real life and rest.. This is causing me emotional and physical pain..!

I just want my Betty Bright, Ronnie Red, Kiss & Don't Tell, Strawberry Malt and Flatter me..!
It'll be ok...we've waited out this long, only hours left now.


Active member
I just bought Shell Pearl from the YoS collection, I wish I would have paid attention, Flatter me PM has shell pearl included doesn't it? And I want the cute packaging :( meh I might buy it anyway lol
I think it's kind of like the difference between a blush and a highlight! I chatted with a mac rep just to make sure and he basically said they have the same name, but they're different products with different finishes.


Well-known member
I hate that. For the MM collection they were also limited yet did pre-orders with no problem. Although, correct me if i'm wrong...the MM was way smaller compared to this. Either way i do hope everyone who has lost sleep and is stalking the site will be able to get what they want from this.


Active member
I al
:eek:hboy:  Way to cute to pass up---they're also functional you know!  :heart:
I almost got them, but the last time I bought promo brushes like this they lost so many hairs and the metal part that connects the fibers to the wand part was loose on some... Idk, I was kind of disappointed with them.... ( did that help talk you out of it?) They are soooo cute though!


Well-known member
Ahhhhhh yeah I've been stalking for the past couple days too and it's getting to be a bit too much! I can't wait for it to be over. :) We can do this!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Hi, everyone! I've been lurking this thread for a while and stalking alongside you all and finally caved and made an account >.< I never bother with MAC because they release sooo many collections and they sell out so fast and it all hurts my brain but Archie comics were my life/childhood and I've waiting for this collection since it was first announced! I'm not a PRO member and I must say I'm jealous of those of you who are! D: I have no MAC counters where I live so online is kind of my only option but this whole thing is giving me serious anxiety! I'm super scared I won't get what I want :'c
I hope you're able to get everything that you want from AG's!!!


Well-known member
OK I just saw on instagram that a girl got the text for AG, and she was complaining that it wasn't up yet. HAS ANYONE GOT A TEXT?!!!! I didn't get a text!!!! Plz tell me this means it will be within an hr!
Is she Pro or regular? The Pro email was already sent out this morning.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I just received Shell Pearl - it's definitely a highlight for me due to the sheen. I wasn't sure whether I would go for Flatter Me as well, but now that I've tried SP I know I want both. I have last year's Flower Fantasy PM and the finish is very different. Betty's PM looks far more coral, whereas SP has less colour.

Erin, please talk me out of Cream Soda. Very dupable, right? I MUST be strong. I have tons of corals.