MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Hi hunnies! Any suggestions where I can get a vanity mirror with lights? I'm lazy to go through all the options that pop up.. Been searching for months but would like some sites, stores etc.. Thanks :D
Here's one option, but it's on the pricey side:

Carolina Marie

Well-known member
when i first saw the collection, boyfriend stealer was a for sure skip for me, but after looking at temptalias swatch of boyfriend stealer im kind of considering running to nordstrom to pick it up!


Well-known member

DLG on lips over NYX "Deep purple liner" and MAC "Embrace me" l/l.

Prom princess and taupe shape on cheeks. Chanel fantasme over some MAC e/s ( kid, quarry, jete, nylon) and from the Spoiled Rich Quad: "spoiled rich" e/s bottom lid, and "gravel" in the crease.


Well-known member
I can't take the pressure...I'm going to the counter for Mall Madness, DLG, and boyfriend stealer ...and that's IT!


Well-known member
I am doomed. I ordered DLG, RR and BB. All the glosses and blushes online. I finally stopped by the mall today and tried on RR and o.m.g. The texture is great and not drying at all. It pulled more like Love goddess than AP or CIS on me. I ordered a BU and the black eyeliner and the Veronica Pearlmatte powder.... I am supposed to be saving too :(


Well-known member
Everything looks wonderful! I especially like the cheeks.
DLG on lips over NYX "Deep purple liner" and MAC "Embrace me" l/l.

Prom princess and taupe shape on cheeks. Chanel fantasme over some MAC e/s ( kid, quarry, jete, nylon) and from the Spoiled Rich Quad:  "spoiled rich" e/s bottom lid, and "gravel" in the crease.


Well-known member
I've been looking around and this is definitely one i DO NOT want! I'm just gonna build mine from scratch.
749 bux for a table set? Ye gods, I thought I was crazy in buying a computer desk from Office De(s)pot and misappropriating it as my makeup center. Should I turn in my glamour card?


Well-known member
So While waiting for this to reach Nordies I dropped Sunny Sunday Quad from the list after seeing Temptalia's review ^^" I knew I had similar shades but I wanted the packaging but well.. the beauty powders packaging will do it

I hope it wont reach Nordies while I am in a meeting or something :( (Different Time Zones!)


Well-known member
So While waiting for this to reach Nordies I dropped Sunny Sunday Quad from the list after seeing Temptalia's review ^^" I knew I had similar shades but I wanted the packaging but well.. the beauty powders packaging will do it

I hope it wont reach Nordies while I am in a meeting or something :( (Different Time Zones!)
Is the quad called Sunny Sunday in Bahrain? It's Caramel Sundae in North America and Europe.


Well-known member
749 bux for a table set? Ye gods, I thought I was crazy in buying a computer desk from Office De(s)pot and misappropriating it as my makeup center. Should I turn in my glamour card?
No kidding! That's why Ellie and i are road trippin it up to michigan on monday!


Well-known member
I can NOT buy the Nars powder I can not buy the Nars powder I just told my husband and my daughter I was not buying anymore makeup until April. I bought both oz palettes, a few things from YotS and my AG haul. I have to be good until April. No No No