MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
What are you ladies pairing DLG with to bring out the purpley goodness? I have Vino and guess I contemplate getting Nightmoth but is there an NYX dupe of Nightmoth? This thread is really making me develop a lemming for the CMD pigment and FSG gloss as well, eek!
NYX's Y2K lip liner is close to Nightmoth. I think CartoonChic has them both so maybe she can swatch them?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lilinah

Well, if her parents are not Anglo, it's possible that there's a non-British cultural reason.

For example, turquoise (gem) jewelry is considered apotropaic (protective, warding off evil) in many cultures on several continents. If the parents can't afford jewelry, perhaps that's why the turquoise eye shadow.

And if she was sick - either she was or a relative, being in a hospital - it's possible the other makeup was to make her look very healthy to fool off what was making her (or her relative) ill.

There are a lot of cultures in the Middle East and South Asia in which people put eyeliner (originally kohl or antimony) on small children (female and male) because it is believed to keep away eye disease.

None of this makes putting makeup on a 6 month old a safe or healthy thing to do. I do not approve of it, but it makes it more understandable.

Well, we have a really awful TV show in the UK called Big Fat Gypsy Weddings. Let's just say that her family could be featured....
Oh and she wasn't sick, I think her brother was admitted for a cold or something??


Well-known member
I tried Betty bright this weekend and even though my lips felt soft, it did not look amazing like I thought it would. Def need to wear a gloss with it


Well-known member
Yeah I saw these pics. Beautiful!! I totally missed over that you said you used FM over PP. Ima try it that way. Thanks a bunch!
No problem girlie!!
Enjoy your AG goodies! And even if you don't have PP, you can definitely wear another pink blush underneath.
Thanks for the love
I am so glad I can help! I know how hard it is trying to find swatches for WOC. x.x


Well-known member
Well, we have a really awful TV show in the UK called Big Fat Gypsy Weddings. Let's just say that her family could be featured....
Oh and she wasn't sick, I think her brother was admitted for a cold or something??
We have that show here too but I have never watched it


Well-known member
I tried Betty bright this weekend and even though my lips felt soft, it did not look amazing like I thought it would. Def need to wear a gloss with it
Oh really? Is there anything you suggest? Cause I don't have any of the Betty l/g from this collection. *looking for some enabling ;)* haha.


Well-known member
EEK!! I love this color on you! Though... it looks really pink. Reminds me of Seductive Intent lol. Now I see why you asked that yesterday! It looks so pretty!
You're gonna stop trying to talk me into Seductive Intent! It's bad enough you got me wanting Flatter Me when I saw how great it looked on you.


Well-known member
Well, we have a really awful TV show in the UK called Big Fat Gypsy Weddings. Let's just say that her family could be featured....
Oh and she wasn't sick, I think her brother was admitted for a cold or something??
Oh, the Gypsy Wedding show. Little girls dressed in midriff baring dressings while dancing in a sexually suggestive manner. Where boys are encouraged to violate girls by forcing them [the girls] to kiss them if they are interested in them. I struggle to understand their ways, but I just can't turn away from that show.


Well-known member
ok i finally caught up again with this thread. since so many pictures have been posted i just want to say you all look fabulous!!
i only really like betty bright and ronnie red. i sold my flatter me blush and im happy with just my veronica pearlmatte


Well-known member
So, I'm definitely looking for dupes for the pigments in this collection. I have to stick to my budget and I have a good number of pigments in my collection already that I'm sure I can mix or use in combination with a shadow or two to get a similar look to these pigments. Just gotta work that out. Where's Erine with her color matching genius when you need her? :haha:
I'm here!!! Ok, as i said before, if you have later and moonlight night, you can skip Ronnie's piggies. As for Betty's, pinked mauve is a bit darker than CMD. Da bling would be a good dube in shadow form. Quietly is a bit more lilacy. LIL could be duped by brill (it's and oldie if you can find it). Of all the pigments tho, LIL is one that will work on all skintones, and can be very soft, or very dramatic, depending on what you put with it.


Well-known member
OK, i'm a day late. But here it is, as promised, Veronica's Feelin' So Good Lipglass and Venomous Villains Wrong Spell. Also starring Styledriven Dark as Night Pro Longwear Lipglass. Wrong Spell is a browner plum, Dark as Night is a deeper bluer plum, and Feelin' So Good is a bit pinker with a bit less glitter than the other two.

Left: Wrong Spell; Center: Dark as Night; Right: Feelin' So Good

Top: Wrong Spell; Center: Dark as Night; Bottom: Feelin' So Good

Top: Wrong Spell; Center: Dark as Night; Bottom: Feelin' So Good
Two shots changing the angle in relation to the sunlight.
I don't have any of these but they are all very close dupes. I think the middle one has more glitter. Ugh... they look so purple on you more than the ugly brown on my wrist. Now I waaaant. Lol.


Well-known member
i was trying to search the thread for this, without luck...can anyone tell me a mac dupe for caramel sundae of the caramel sundae quad?

looking through my collection, i thought amazon is pretty similar to dreammaker, if anyone has was in one of the raquel welch quads.


Well-known member
Ahhh, I gotta try this on today! BTW, Team Natural!! Woooo
Is it really bright?? or a muted pink? (Hence, is it anything like Pink Pigeon because that color is TOO crazy for me.) But do your thang miss "I LOVE NEON" =] BTW we have the same Foundation Match! I'm gonna follow you.
Team Natural!
I don't think it is very bright. It is more muted to me. I think you will like it! (PiPi is AWESOME!!!!


Well-known member
I backed up Cream Soda even though it seems to be easily available (at Nordies and the like) am I a crazy person? I never, ever buy back ups and I am not even an Archie fan.