MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Awesome haul Naughtyp!
Enjoy it to the fullest!!!

Well I went to the mall today, and they had bb!!!! I went out there with 4 bu of it!!! Lol... I have never purchased that many bu of anything... But it's such a fun color and looks good on my nc20 skin and small lips... It's a hg color for me


Well-known member
looks really nice ladies!! you guys are going to make me want the only 2 things i think i didn't buy LOL

actually, i didn't get the pigments. I don't own any pigments at all but love the betty ones. Did anyone post a pic wearing any?

Sporting RR for the first time since I bought it although the pic doesn't do justice to how vibrant it is. I'm very happy I was able to get a back up yesterday! Still don't know what to do with BB, the color looks weird on me, sort of Nicki Minaj-ish....trying to figure out a way to make it more wearable or at least something to line it with :/. I was a bit disapointed with DLG, somehow is seems very dupable to me, nothing extraordinary.

Originally Posted by KissMyLips

sorry if this posts multiple times but trying to upload on a mobile phone is a pain in the a$$


Well-known member
and welcome charlotteee92! . I compared Cream Soda & Immortal Flower, and provided a photo below. When swatched, Immortal Flower is more intense & slightly pinker than Cream Soda.


I buy almost all the brush sets & I personally (except for the red handle set) love them & have not had any issues with them. I loved the Archie brush set sooooooooooo much I bought 2. They are handy & it really is a great deal for the price.
I have several of the brush sets from various collections, and although they don't rival their full-sized counterparts, they are sturdy and functional. What's more is that they are GREAT for travel and they withstand daily washing.


Well-known member
RR looks really pretty on you.
Your total look is just awesome!
Sporting RR for the first time since I bought it although the pic doesn't do justice to how vibrant it is. I'm very happy I was able to get a back up yesterday! Still don't know what to do with BB, the color looks weird on me, sort of Nicki Minaj-ish....trying to figure out a way to make it more wearable or at least something to line it with :/. I was a bit disapointed with DLG, somehow is seems very dupable to me, nothing extraordinary.

Thank you, both very helpful! Decided on definitely going to get the brushset and I'm probably skipping Cream soda I have to many blushes anyway


Well-known member
I personally think it's rather dupeable for a lipstick. The Mac permanent line is overlooked in favor of the LE items. I tested Mac Red next to it and couldn't tell the difference, but it may also be due to my undertone. It's a pretty color and looks beautiful on everyone on here, so it just depends if you want something LE or not. I chose to skip RR, but I may be looking out for BB if it's restocked, because I have nothing like it in my stash! Mac releases so many lipsticks a year also.

Can't talk you down with the Nars powder though. It's amazing!! lol
My Strawberry Malt is out for delivery today!
Mac Red is my fave lipstick but on my skintone there's a slight difference between the two...oh n strawberry malt is wonderful!


Well-known member
it's available at nordstroms RIGHT NOW!! so is RR go go go!

...sent you a PM too. hope you get it :)
Unfortunately I missed out again because I just got the message being that I wasn't home. Oh well I lost interest in the collection thank you Starlight77 for the message that's real kind of you
. I saw Prom Princess blush and it was meh I like Passionately Tempted more but I didn't bother getting it because I wasn't interested. I'm glad you guys are enjoying your goodies. I know I'm enjoying my goodies from Sephora.

Elegant One I ended up getting the NARS powder and I like it so far. My 5 year old daughter took a picture of me wearing my makeup with this powder and it came out lovely.

I'll just start saving for the Fashion Sets out in April. No biggie.

PS. you guys gotta try the new Milani color statement lipsticks they're really nice.


Well-known member
If anyone has Immortal Flower as well as the Cream Soda blush can you post a picture of them swatched by side please or let me know how they compare to each other.
Hi girls! I'm new here although i've been reading on this forum for a while. But I have some questions because I really can't any info about this anywhere. Does anyone know how cream soda blush compares to immortal flower or does anyone has pictures to compare? And I know people always find the brushes in the brushsets really bad,(especially temptalia she always says they are really bad) but there are a few brushes in here that I wanted to try anyway so I'm thinking about buying it. So for the people that already bought the brushset: how is the quality? is it worth the money? (Sorry for my crappy english btw)  
I posted hand swatches a few pages back.
Can anyone compare Cheers my Dear from TT collection to CmD from this collection?Are they the same color/texturewise? TIA :)
They're the same.


Well-known member
Unfortunately I missed out again because I just got the message being that I wasn't home. Oh well I lost interest in the collection thank you Starlight77 for the message that's real kind of you
. I saw Prom Princess blush and it was meh I like Passionately Tempted more but I didn't bother getting it because I wasn't interested. I'm glad you guys are enjoying your goodies. I know I'm enjoying my goodies from Sephora.

Elegant One I ended up getting the NARS powder and I like it so far. My 5 year old daughter took a picture of me wearing my makeup with this powder and it came out lovely.

I'll just start saving for the Fashion Sets out in April. No biggie.

PS. you guys gotta try the new Milani color statement lipsticks they're really nice.
:( Maybe someone here bought a backup and doesn't need it or doesn't like theirs and you can get it from them, just wait a few days. it's just one lipstick you're looking for. we CAN find it


Well-known member
Maybe it's just me, but it feels like this is everybody's longest running money hole spending spree on any collection in a long time.


Well-known member
i know what you're mean.On the other hand,yesterday i watched an episode of ''my strange addiction'' on youtube with one girl addicted to laxatives and another who was eating ashes
. Me? i just have a few(!)eyeshadows (and blushes,lipsticks...........)more than the average person.i'm fine
angelic.gif that's putting things in perspective... :)


Well-known member
Maybe it's just me, but it feels like this is everybody's longest running money hole spending spree on any collection in a long time.
it was mine by far, funny thing is i only wanted VB, DLG and GND. that was my original haul on first launch... my 2 favorites are BB and flatter me in which i had no intention at all of buying.

did anyone else end up having a surprise favorite item?


Well-known member
Girrrrl tell me about it, lol. Im all daydreaming about Veronicas Blush & Kiss MeCoral l/g. I got my mom to gift me the Caramel Sundae Quad for Valentines Day. Lol, no more. But whats this talk of Nars Reflecting powder and God Created Woman Quad?;P
Maybe it's just me, but it feels like this is everybody's longest running money hole spending spree on any collection in a long time. :p