I like how daddy's little girl look on both pinkdollface and gatton, it really compliments both ur skintone <3 <3. I find Daddys little girl to be a color that can work well with most skin tone...
I personally do not wear red often and i am very choosy with my reds, If i wear the wrong red, it will make me look much older than my actual age and end up chuckin it one side and not using it. But i do like strawberry malt lipglass though.
It's the perfect cherry red lipgloss for me. Here's a pic of me wearing strawberry malt lipglass alone and cream soda blush. If u are the kind that shy away from reds, do give strawberry malt lipglass a chance, it's really quite a nice pinky red lipgloss.
If i didn have that much make up, i would probably Back up strawberry malt, but then again I seldom wear reds so i will not be backin it up.
I find that cream soda blush runs much more orangey and pigmented on me (NC20 for reference) than it looks in the pan ...... the blush is not clear in this pic though coz it's taken on my hp cam :x I think i will probably mix a pink based blush with it to tone down the orange tones in it.