MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
Wouldn't it be awful if MAC launched today too
Yes, I'd be really upset considering how many times this collection has been released and either I missed it completely or decided to pass in favor of another launch date.


Well-known member
Wouldn't it be awful if MAC launched today too :lol:
Lol omg what a mess! It was shocking enough that Macy's launched. I have to give credit to macys though. They released way before nordstrom and had everything available. No trickery there, just Good old fashioned speed buying.


Well-known member
Jesus, that launch was absolutely horrendous. I managed to get Forbidden Sunrise, and went back to get Burmese Kiss but missed it. I'll be stalking the Mac site but I'm pissed about it -_-


Well-known member
... and on Instagram.  :barf: Yes I am! I'm glad there's another Puerto Rican specktra lady out there as well. :) Your little boy has an awesome name!  :D Marketing wise, the app order is brilliant, but depending on the mobile software platform it can be either a success or a flop. It seems that it only worked for iPhones and as long as you got the item number and a Nordstrom card, then you're good to go. Sounds a little too exclusive unless they fix the app, and a little overkill for android phones that have craptacular battery lifespans. I'm not down for ordering through an app if that's going to be the new thing with Nordies. Omg nooooooo
I am too :D


Well-known member
Lucky my dog woke us up barking like a mad man because someone was robbing our shed, and I was able to order one of the lipsticks I wanted from the collection. Also my husband chased the robbers down and putting the fear of God in them, causing them to drop our bikes. And most importantly... Good dogs!


Well-known member
Lucky my dog woke us up barking like a mad man because someone was robbing our shed, and I was able to order one of the lipsticks I wanted from the collection. Also my husband chased the robbers down and putting the fear of God in them, causing them to drop our bikes. And most importantly... Good dogs!
Oh wow! That's scary. I'm glad you were able to catch them and are safe. Yay doggies!


Well-known member
So the entire collection is sold out at Macy's but all of Cinderella is still there. I kind of can't believe that. Looks like all the lipsticks are sold out at Nordies now too. And I desperately want to go back to sleep but I cannot ugh.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Jennyemm

Macy's launched tonight as a surprise! I believe Mac is tommorrow

They sold out too. This product is currently unavailable


Well-known member
I woke up a little before 4 to take my boyfriend to work, checked and lavender jade was out if stock but the other 3 lippies were still there, I drove him to work and got home like 10 minutes later and they were all gone lol oh well I guess no lipstick for me. I was wanting lavender jade and/or forbidden sunrise.


Well-known member
Guys I was able to order LJ and the beauty powder on Macy's just now. Keep trying - it looks like they keep taking stuff down and putting it back!