MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
Mac's launch is going to be similiar to the Osbournes with a side of RHPS. Get your game faces on! Its not going to be pretty.... :censored:


Well-known member
Well, now I don't regret getting both of the Cinderella powders...I'm not sure if I can keep my homicidal bunny thoughts in check for another restock to get Summer Opal...

kimmy yum yum

Well-known member
Where I'm at, the Mac launches lately have been showing up around the 7-9 am gap of the release date. Unless they mess this up like the Osbourne collection, so far they've been a teeny tiny bit more consistent with their release hours.

It's even worse that ye who shall not be named is a reseller and/or promotes reselling at inflated prices. Very lame and petty.

Quote: Originally Posted by SassyWonder

Mac's launch is going to be similiar to the Osbournes with a side of RHPS. Get your game faces on! Its not going to be pretty....
Oh God. The Osbournes and RHPS. Worse DAYS of my life.


Well-known member
Keep in mind that not all launches are like this. Yes, Mac LE collections are hard to get your hands on when the hype of the collection is increased, but to be fair, I think Nordstrom is to blame, not so much MAC in this case.
I agree and disagree with you. Yes, yes, yes, Nordies botched this up royally! But it all boils down to MAC and how they treat loyal customers. Never giving an official release time, playing like Nordies may/may not get the collection at the same time as everyone else... and most importantly, making such little stock that it really behooves re-sellers to purchase the max amount of items permitted-- because they *know* people will pay the prices because they missed out. Which results in just normal makeup consumers missing out and feeling frustrated. If there was more stock (but not so much that it's not considered LE) then a lot of this mess would be easily eliminated in my opinion. I know that MAC has a huge following, and things are going to sell out quickly regardless... but when things sell out in under an hour sometimes, it's just discouraging. Or how, for RHPS, some stores only got 2-3 items and were directed by MAC to use one as a tester. While they have a line out the door before they open! It's just bad business practice to me, unfortunately.

So sorry for the rant! I am sleep deprived! I know there is another chance to try, but I am just personally not willing to stay up late another night for yet another shit show.


Well-known member
Does anyone else still find it odd that Karen and T never reviewed these before the launch? MAC is so hush-hush about this collection for some reason.


Well-known member
I think this entire collection is cursed. From the accidental leak a few months ago and that fiasco to this fiasco. Bleh.


Well-known member
I think this entire collection is cursed. From the accidental leak a few months ago and that fiasco to this fiasco. Bleh.
I think the same thing happened with proenza I think...T bought the blushes herself for review after the collection launched online.


Well-known member
Wow looks the the craziness started not too long after I went to bed! Lol. It was just the wronnnng day to stay up. Luckally I have tomorrow off so I can stalk late tonight. This should be interesting!