MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
I just happened to check MAC and there it was ! I feel so lucky haha :encore: Burmese Kiss, Kashmir Blue, and Summer Opal for me !!!

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
Thank you Specktra! I spent most of the morning stalking Nordstroms only to have my internet connection fail at the last minute. I thought that the collection would have sold out by the time I got to work. I looked at Specktra to see if the collection was sold out on Nordstroms, saw that it was up on MAC and bought my items with no fuss. I'll see about back ups on Thursday when I will be trying to find Cinderella. Sneaky MAC, very sneaky. I'm glad that Specktra is on the case!
This is a crazy launch day! Thank you to all of the lovely ladies on Specktra that provided a heads up. I got my order placed for LJ! If i had known that this was going to happen I would have waited to order everything. Love MAC. Hate MAC. Cannot stand MAC. Love MAC. Help me, I think that I'm broke .
This is one of the reasons I joined this site last year, and I haven't regretted it (my bank card hates me now. Everyone is just so helpful


Well-known member
Same! Work is too crazy right now for me to be stalking all night so this really worked out for me tbh. Still crossing my fingers for everyone else too!
Well it's all been up for about an hour, much longer than I thought it would last!


Well-known member
Just got summer opal! I was so frenzied I think I was typing the shipping codes wrong because they said they weren't working. Oh well!


Well-known member
Oop spoke too soon
Better than the negative two hours it sold out in on Nordstrom lmao


Well-known member
So glad I checked my emails just now! Got Summer Opal and Lavender Jade!
I'm done with this collection.
That was exactly what I ordered from the MAC website. Got the 3 other lipsticks from Macys and made another order for the Cinderella palette and lipsticks. Im a bit bummed not being able to use ebates for all my orders. The hubby will have a heart attack when all those boxes arrive. In my defense its my birthday month.


Active member
I managed to get an order or Burmese kiss and forbidden sunrise. While I was putting my card info lavender jade sold out! Not sure if that shade would have worked for me but I'm a happy camper otherwise. :) Was this collection launching in stores? I can't remember