MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
LJ and DG are exactly what I expected them to be in their differences...
DG looks more wearable. I can skip LJ unless when I try it on tomorrow the heavens open up and I hear angels singing (unlikely)
I NEED a lipstick from this collection and orange is my favorite so Forbidden Sunrise it is, even tho I have SLN ;)
The green nail polish is also coming home with me. And BK for me mum.

Thanks everyone for the links/pics & whatnot! Helps a girl decide very easily!


Well-known member
Hey loves! Super busy trying to catch up on Cindy, Bao and dupe swatches but wanted to throw this in here really quick for comparison before tomorrow's ins tore launch.​
From left to right: Dose of Colors Purple Rain, Mac Dodgy girl, Mac Lavender Jade, Mac Riri Boy, Nars Dominique​
I still haven't decided whether I'm sorry or not that I didn't grab LJ when I had the chance online. It looks so different in the tube compared to Dodgy Girl. Can't wait to see swatches on you.


Well-known member
My Bao Bao Wan came and Lavender Jade is [COLOR=EE82EE]radioactive[/COLOR] on me. :lol: LOL. I'm glad I only bought one on when it surprisingly came online (I got left in the dust at the nordstrom fiasco). My skin also looks yellower. However, when I put Soar Lip Pencil under (I'll try Edge to Edge later), it turns into this stunning pink mauve muted down purpley-mauve (it oxidized I guess)!!! I don't look as yellow too!! Weirdness. EDIT: Sorry! I apologize for my uber dry hand. I was washing dishes before the UPS guy came I was so excited I forgot to moisturize! Smh!!:headbang:


Well-known member
So all my packages are arriving today. My Nordies and Mac orders from this collection, and my backordered Toledo stuff as well. I think it's like 5 or 6 boxes total!


Well-known member
Hey loves! Super busy trying to catch up on Cindy, Bao and dupe swatches but wanted to throw this in here really quick for comparison before tomorrow's ins tore launch.​
From left to right: Dose of Colors Purple Rain, Mac Dodgy girl, Mac Lavender Jade, Mac Riri Boy, Nars Dominique​

Dose of Colors Purple Rain is pretty but it looks much darker than the rest of them. it reminds me so much of Suite Rain by Coloured Raine


Well-known member
Oh this BLOWS!!! I lose my voice on the day I need to make phone calls to find out which Los Angeles stores will carry this collection!!!!! Can anyone help me out and pm me if any stores around Glendale/Los Angeles/hollywood area will for sure have this besides the pro store??? ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!


Well-known member
Sigh. I'm so frustrated. Tomorrow, I have an exam at 8am and then two classes and an internship interview. I can't get out to the store at all-- it's very frustrating that people that work there might be lying to me about not getting BBW at the counter. MAC CS also told me all locations will get them... but three different stores said they wouldn't be... I wonder what the real truth is. Seems like sometimes MAC CS could be wrong too. I don't know who to trust!


Well-known member
Sigh. I'm so frustrated. Tomorrow, I have an exam at 8am and then two classes and an internship interview. I can't get out to the store at all-- it's very frustrating that people that work there might be lying to me about not getting BBW at the counter. MAC CS also told me all locations will get them... but three different stores said they wouldn't be... I wonder what the real truth is. Seems like sometimes MAC CS could be wrong too. I don't know who to trust!
Damn girl that sucks. Maybe call ahead of time and put items on reserve then send someone to pick them up for you? Thats what I've done when I've had school during a launch, I call when they open and then send my dad to pick up my items.
If not, there are always restocks online!


Well-known member
Sooo pretty!

LJ is more bright and kind of pastel. We'll have comparison swatches up soon! And the polish is omggg heaven! Pics coming up as well

Ahhhh You didn't order at least one??

Adding CR Suite Rain to list!!
No *sigh* DG is already pastel-ish on me so I was thinking that I don't need two similar colours. But now I'm looking at them and LJ is less pink for sure.


Well-known member
For anyone that's done a pre-order with Nordie's, is it pretty reliable that you'll actually get the items? Or is it most likely they will just sell what you pre-ordered in store? Thank you!!