MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Specktra Bestie
K I just followed you. no worries. I like to keep up with everyone where I can (besides here) ;-)
I followed you too.
on that photo of Pleasure Bomb. I only have 3.


Well-known member
I missed out on the 20% coupon, I was taking care of my mother, she was priority #1
There will be more sales in the future
Definitely. Hope she is feeling much better.

There is another 20% coupon I got but I think it excludes the nice brands. It is good through the 2/21. I could email it to you if you like.

Dolly Snow

:( I missed out on the 20% coupon, I was taking care of my mother, she was priority #1 :heart: There will be more sales in the future :)
Thank you :heart: I'm going to get it, lol :macwallet: I need a good POW color to wear when I go to Mexico! That color combo sounds so pretty! Thanks again hun!
:) there sure will be! And she is feeling back to her usual spectacular self :heart: thank you for the well wishes, you're a sweetheart :heart:
:kiss: so happy your mother is better