MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
ACK! I was all ready to get into stalking gear tonight----feels like we have been waiting forever for this launch!!!!! Mac sure knows how to drive a gal crazy!


Well-known member
I kind of want this to launch at the same time as Cinderella so I can haul this while others are busy with Cinderella.
I am betting that they pushed back the launch knowing that they will be swamped with orders for Cindy and dealing with that madness is going to be enough. Haha!


Well-known member
I hate all the filtered pics, you can't tell what anything looks like. Some BK pics look very pinky. I just put on Toying Around to see if I wanted a matte version if they're supposed to be so close and TA is very orangy-coral on me, not pinky at all. I'm still getting BK and hoping it will be pink.
I agree, Filtering makeup pics makes no sense at all!


Well-known member
Ugh, pain in the assssssssss. Oh well, still hadn't decided what I wanted anyway. Gonna be a bit annoying stalking on my birthday if it is March 3rd, though!


Well-known member
I wasn't all that interested initially but I'm starting to feel a little tempted. I guess I don't really mind possibly having to wait a bit longer because I'm still not sure what, if anything, I want. Dying for some bloggers to swatch and review!


Well-known member
Im thinking that stalking tonight is a no go for me. No blogger reviews or swatches is telling me its not coming as expected.