MAC X Cinderella Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
My order has shipped! Should be here Monday


Well-known member
whoa glad I just randomly checked! LOL Now I can sleep. Hope everyone gets what they wanted!
Same here! I just crawled into bed and was making sure my iPad was on the MAC page for when I woke up. Then I realized the BUY
Ugh I am so steamed that I was up at 6:45am PST this morning and everything I wanted was pretty much gone. And next Thursday I will be out of town for work where there is no MAC store and my store won't let us pre-order. I feel super sad that I missed out on the lipsticks. Even though it is just lipstick it still has kind of ruined my day. :(
I see Macy's might be an option for you, otherwise, if you can, call your MAC store right when they open on Thursday and request a send sale.
I thought this was in Nordies and Macy's? It seems like everyone is in on this movie promotion. I'm so glad I looked right before I gave up and went to sleep! I truly didn't think it would sell out thus fast.


Well-known member
Wow my bp already shipped. Even though it's just two things I'm excited to get a package again. Haven't bought since rocky n matte lip!


Well-known member
My local MAC is getting this, and it takes soooo long to get here if i order on-line, it's faster for me to get it in the store (unless there's free 2-day)

So i''m waiting until next Thursday, but i will get there early. I hope it isn't cold and rainy - i just sit on the bench outside the front door. I'm usually the first one there.

Also, i called and they said they were getting Bao Bao Wan (that still releases the same day, right? 5 March)

I want to make sure i only buy one nude lustre lipstick, not three! And one beauty powder, not two. My lists are short, but if i got everything on both my lists it would be too much $$$


Well-known member
I hate the fact they always release at the time I am sleeping...
I am also not one who will wake up early to grab them,

so, guess will live with this fact. Come on MAC


Well-known member
Mine shipped! I used the 2 day ship code but I am not sure what that means...2 day as in it will be here friday or 2 day as in it wil be here monday because UPS doesn't deliver sat/sun usually.