MAC X Cinderella Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
I can normally rely on my SAs to pull things in advance for me, but the store has cracked down on that and their hands are tied. I'm getting there early, I have my list written out, and I'm shoving in the face of the first SA I see the second I walk through that door.

Game time!


Well-known member
I wasn't gone get anything from this collection. But I caved and pre ordered at my Macy's today for both the lipsticks. I can't wait to pick it up tomorrow


Well-known member
The packaging looks a lot nicer than it did in the earlier promo pics. The bluish-lavender sheen it has in some pictures is awesome

DeAnn Smith

Well-known member
I want to get my niece something from this collection for her birthday next month and I'm unwilling at this point to give her anything of mine.....and I'm dying to see BBW Summer Opal in person so....Macy's here I come tomorrow LOL


Well-known member
for whoever wanted to see summer opal, coupe d chic and mystery princess together. Summer opal is on top then coupe d chic then mystery princess.


Well-known member
@Elegant-One you were so right about Mystery Princess! Gives such a pretty, soft glow. Love it! :love: (Had to edit. Sorry I put the wrong person elegant! I was half asleep n tired from work, I just realized I did that lol)


Well-known member
for whoever wanted to see summer opal, coupe d chic and mystery princess together. Summer opal is on top then coupe d chic then mystery princess.
Thanks for swatches I have summer opal Love it Has coupe de chic got more glitter in Sorry have tried to catch up on this thread Sorry if been mentioned before The last colour looks really nice x


Well-known member
I was away for like a few hours and Bao Bao Wan, Cinderella, Toledo and a few smaller (one product) collections has launched online. And ofc the stuff I wanted is sold out already.. I wanted Lavender Jade baaad but it's already gone, blah :(


Well-known member
Time Sq MAC still has everything, they only sold out of the pigments.
Just coming in to post that! They said to get it while the getting is good- things are selling fast. They open at 8:00, I was there by 8:30 and the pigments were gone.

Macy's Herald Square has most of the collection-minus the pigments. If you want something, I'd wouldn't wait.


Well-known member
Thanks for the heads up ladies! i called the TS spot and got everything i wanted minus the glitter. They sounded insanely busy :0