MAC X Cinderella Collection (March 5, 2015)


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I go straight to the kitchen, the moment I get into work if I'm in tea mode, I like that little splash of colour in the morning
People need to mind their business!!! Like there's so little going on in the world or their lives that they need to be worried about where complete strangers are doing their makeup. It's like my friend who thinks it's "disrespectful" to dress sexy. I'm like, how about it being disrespectful to judge someone based on whether their pants are tight or their tank top is low cut? Is there nothing better upon which we could judge a person? Like say... their actions? She's a sweetheart otherwise though, she just has some judgment issues she inherited from her grandma judging her... I'm sure she'll grow out of it if I just keep dressing like this around her :D

I'm still waiting for those Cinderella lipsticks to pop up somewhere... maybe it's time to let it go :(

And yes, I do agree that leaving actual body parts in public is so gross lol

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
People need to mind their business!!! Like there's so little going on in the world or their lives that they need to be worried about where complete strangers are doing their makeup. It's like my friend who thinks it's "disrespectful" to dress sexy. I'm like, how about it being disrespectful to judge someone based on whether their pants are tight or their tank top is low cut? Is there nothing better upon which we could judge a person? Like say... their actions? She's a sweetheart otherwise though, she just has some judgment issues she inherited from her grandma judging her... I'm sure she'll grow out of it if I just keep dressing like this around her :D I'm still waiting for those Cinderella lipsticks to pop up somewhere... maybe it's time to let it go :( And yes, I do agree that leaving actual body parts in public is so gross lol
Sometimes, this thought pops in my head while I'm putting on my makeup on public transport and someone stares at me:- 'You are lucky that I'm not waxing my bikini line in front of you'


Well-known member
I'm thinking about getting the glitter when the collection launches here, I've never played with glitter before! What do you girls use to make it stay on the lid?
I used to use clear lipgloss when I was in highschool :lol: it's funny how we didn't know better or even what to really do with makeup growing up


Well-known member
I haven't seen q-tips... it's usually fingers that then touch the posts or straps you hang onto if you don't have seats. The first thing I do after travelling on transport anywhere is wash my hands. 
So gross! And I would too if I rode public transport. In FL, there really isn't any except in Disney (where I carry a bottle of hand sanitizer at all times!) Grocery stores are almost as bad. First thing I do when I get home after going to the grocery store is scrub my hands, then I unload my groceries and scrub my hands again. At least now in many grocery stores they have sanitary wipes so you can wipe the cart handle down before you use it. I'm very hesitant about even touching testers in beauty stores too. I was in Ulta and saw this girl (maybe 18 or 19) do a full glittery face of makeup using all testers, even lining her waterline, mascara, and lipgloss! I was so grossed out. She just used them and put them right back! I guess it's having science degrees; I know waaaaay too much about germs, parasites and diseases! Thet's why when someone said they saw someone steal all the Cinderella testers, I was completey disgusted.


Well-known member
I don't disturb people when I put my lipstick on, or draw on the windows with my makeup (what a waste that would be). I rather sit opposite someone dealing with their waterline than someone clipping their nails and digging their ear canal out (not at the same time of course) I remember one time, I was in such a rush going on a date and haven't done my makeup. I was on the tube and went full whack with applying my makeup, primer, foundation and all. Touch wood, my face wasn't a mess. But the guy was, and I never saw him again. The end lol
LOL! That's hilarious! There are times not to put makeup on (like sitting at a table in a fancy restaurant, which I've actually seen done) but on a subway? That's no big deal. Heck if it saved me sleep in the morning I'd do it (the parts I could manage on a moving train) every day!


Well-known member
Thet's why when someone said they saw someone steal all the Cinderella testers, I was completey disgusted.
Hello, my fellow Floridian!
Testers always gross me out a little, and I'm always wary of putting them anywhere but the backs of my hands. And even then... there's a lot of scrubbing with alcohol pads afterward. As far as general germies... I worry a lot less that most people, probably. I'm a school psychologist, so I'm around germ-infested (but mostly adorable) kids every day. It's like working in a Petri dish, lol.


Well-known member
People need to mind their business!!! Like there's so little going on in the world or their lives that they need to be worried about where complete strangers are doing their makeup. It's like my friend who thinks it's "disrespectful" to dress sexy. I'm like, how about it being disrespectful to judge someone based on whether their pants are tight or their tank top is low cut? Is there nothing better upon which we could judge a person? Like say... their actions? She's a sweetheart otherwise though, she just has some judgment issues she inherited from her grandma judging her... I'm sure she'll grow out of it if I just keep dressing like this around her :D
Brilliantly said!!!! Bravo!!!


Well-known member
lol every time my husband complains about having to do something for me, I'm like, "I let strangers rip the skin off my privates with hot wax for you!" and he does as told :) 
OMG again!! My stomach hurts from laughing! I hope you don't mind if I ever use that line on a guy?!?

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
LOL! That's hilarious! There are times not to put makeup on (like sitting at a table in a fancy restaurant, which I've actually seen done) but on a subway? That's no big deal. Heck if it saved me sleep in the morning I'd do it (the parts I could manage on a moving train) every day!
I've been to a restaurant, where I've seen someone put on lipgloss and what not... Just don't clip those f****** nails near me while I'm eating
 Hello, my fellow Floridian! :wavey:   Testers always gross me out a little, and I'm always wary of putting them anywhere but the backs of my hands. And even then... there's a lot of scrubbing with alcohol pads afterward. As far as general germies... I worry a lot less that most people, probably. I'm a school psychologist, so I'm around germ-infested (but mostly adorable) kids every day. It's like working in a Petri dish, lol. 
... And that is why I stay away from drug store testers, there's no where to santise the used item and for other people like myself who swatches on their hand... No... Just no


Well-known member
 Hello, my fellow Floridian! :wavey:   Testers always gross me out a little, and I'm always wary of putting them anywhere but the backs of my hands. And even then... there's a lot of scrubbing with alcohol pads afterward. As far as general germies... I worry a lot less that most people, probably. I'm a school psychologist, so I'm around germ-infested (but mostly adorable) kids every day. It's like working in a Petri dish, lol. 
And hello to you fellow Floridian in not so sunny Florida! I have several people in my family whom work in schools and say the same exact thing. My Aunt is a Vice Principal, one Uncle a teacher and another Aunt is a district physical therapist. They all work in special needs schools and programs (here and in NY.) They say they are pretty much immune to illness. I'm just so paranoid. I used to love sushi, but I haven't eaten it since I took Parasitology in undergrad. I just cannot. The odds of the diseases occurring here are slim, but ever since I learned about them I haven't taken a bite of undercooked fish or pork!


Well-known member
We were in a restaurant on holiday with another family, when the mother sprayed her feet at the table. I know her feet were hot and tired, but couldn't she have gone to the toilets to do that? We were so embarassed!

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
We were in a restaurant on holiday with another family, when the mother sprayed her feet at the table. I know her feet were hot and tired, but couldn't she have gone to the toilets to do that? We were so embarassed!
There will be a time in my life, where I will be investing in a hazmat suit. I don't want to invest in one, but it'll happen one day


Well-known member
We were in a restaurant on holiday with another family, when the mother sprayed her feet at the table.  I know her feet were hot and tired, but couldn't she have gone to the toilets to do that?  We were so embarassed!
I honestly cannot believe someone did that sitting in a restaurant. In a home at the dinner table would be bad enough, but in public?!?! Blech!!!

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
I haven't had sushi, since a story came out last year when a guy, who lived on nothing but sushi developed worms and something else. It was disgusting

EDIT: Found the story -


Well-known member
We were in a restaurant on holiday with another family, when the mother sprayed her feet at the table. I know her feet were hot and tired, but couldn't she have gone to the toilets to do that? We were so embarassed!


Well-known member
I haven't had sushi, since a story came out last year when a guy, who lived on nothing but sushi developed worms and something else. It was disgusting

EDIT: Found the story -
There is ZERO chance of me clicking on that link. Nope nope nope!