MAC x Mickey Contractor discussion


Well-known member
I went to Toronto Eaton Centre at 10 am. There were only 5 customers there and we headed straight to the MC section. I'm kind of happy they didn't do holds at the store. It was first come, first serve.
Ykes, I hope it's not sold out, I'm asking a friend to go pick one up for me!!


Well-known member
Just got my lil black box....Athma Quad still reminds me of Leopard Luxe now that I see it in person. I am so gonna compare the two when I get home. Saffron is pretty....would have been a lovely compliment to the cardigan I'm wearing today :) Oomph is love!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Ykes, I hope it's not sold out, I'm asking a friend to go pick one up for me!!

I also went at lunchtime again and surprisingly MAC was not crowded. I was soo surprised. I thought there would be a mad dash for this! Hopefully your friend was able to get you what you want! :)


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by luvlydee 

whoever got Flesh lipglass I would like to know how close it to siss lipstick? I didn't like siss because i felt it made my lips look like a crackhead but im still debating on getting flesh because it just looks so pretty from all the swatches i have seen online...

It's the best! It's exactly like siss and I hate how siss looks on me but the gloss form is perfect. I got a lot of compliments.


Well-known member
yup i just tried oomph over greengrease and it looks awesome! i shall wear that in the morning! :)


Well-known member
I initially wanted several things from this collection, but after looking at swatches, most of it looks disappointing. :(


Well-known member
My Mehr and Sur came today. Definitely loving Sur more than Darkly My Dear on myself, I guess because it's gives me a really nice, natural rosy flush. On my pigmented lips Mehr is nice but nothing special tbh...kind of a basic shade that I think should be part of the permanent line. But that may be my lips!


Well-known member
For those who have received Ivy, are you finding it to be not very pigmented like some of the reviews say it is?


Well-known member
siahi is stunning! it arrived this morning and i am very happy with it! i actually found it quite pigmented when i used my 209 brush with it (yes i took it to work to test it out!) oomph is very pretty too and i know i will be using it alot for green smokey eyes. and i think greengrease gps will be the perfect base for it. :)
have you tried oomph on top of siahi yet?


Well-known member
I haven't had a problem in testing either of the fluidlines for this collex as far as them lacking pigmentation.. ... I don't know, maybe some bloggers got duds..

oomph over siahi is gorgeous but it picks up the turquoise/teal and deeepens the green black. yummm

and as far as red brick being a dupe for Saffron, I am convinced it is not a dupe. They are related in colouration, but not at all dupes. Red brick does indeed look like a brick -- reddish brown. Saffron is lighter in it's base colour and although it has the saffron orange/yellow it is not red based.

I know I don't need glasses cause I wear special ones when I work... lol


Well-known member
Thanks so much for the tip! Half of my online order was backordered so I called MAC Soho and was able to get Sur, Gana, and Siahi!! Soo excited to get them!


7 dollars for shipping
i got
gana, sur, mehr, siahi.

OMG. i'm having hot flashes.


Active member
ahh!! I'm so worried that my order will get mixed up etc. I called again to make sure they had my phone number and the MUA said they are in the middle of the order - processing 40/50 of them. Crazy!! I called once to make an initial order and gave them my credit card info. Then I called again to add more stuff and the MUA didn't verify my card/contact info. And when the order was repeated back to me - there were all these extra things ( maybe from someone else's order??). I'm so afraid that i'm going to get someone else's order!! haha. AHHHHHHHHH

FEARR. but i don't want to call and bug them again because i konw they are so busy! and don't have time to deal with psychotics like me!

Everyone at Specktra, please pray for me and my mehr.



Well-known member
ahh!! I'm so worried that my order will get mixed up etc. I called again to make sure they had my phone number and the MUA said they are in the middle of the order - processing 40/50 of them. Crazy!! I called once to make an initial order and gave them my credit card info. Then I called again to add more stuff and the MUA didn't verify my card/contact info. And when the order was repeated back to me - there were all these extra things ( maybe from someone else's order??). I'm so afraid that i'm going to get someone else's order!! haha. AHHHHHHHHH
FEARR. but i don't want to call and bug them again because i konw they are so busy! and don't have time to deal with psychotics like me!

Everyone at Specktra, please pray for me and my mehr.

Yikes, hope your order pulls through properly! *fingers crossed*


Active member
For those still trying to get Sur, they still has a few of them left at the PRO store on Robertson in Los Angeles. I don't know what the store's policy is on shipping though....sorry - i did not check on anything else because I was on my lunch break & only went to get this gorgeous blush


Well-known member
For those of you who received the dreaded "Backordered" email like I did... check your credit card/checking account online and see if there is another charge. I placed an order for Sur, Mehr,Siahi, and the quad early Tuesday morning, but I got an email saying that Sur and Siahi were both backordered. I was charged for the quad and Mehr that day, but I just checked my account and I was charged another $20.03 today, which I'm assuming is for Sur. My order on the MAC website still says that both of those items are on backorder, but I am hoping that they just haven't updated it yet! So check your accounts..... there may still be hope!!


Well-known member
Hi all,

I was lucky enough to be able to check out this collection over lunch today. Here are my thoughts. I'm somewhere around NC35 and NC40.

Yash - I like this. I've been search for a plain neutral nude like this forever and this is it. It's a little lighter than my skin tone. I think this one will be a personal choice for you depending on how it looks on you. Pigmented and not sheer.
Gulabi - This is very pretty vibrant powerful fuschia color. I liked this one alot too. Very pigmented.
Mehr - I was on the fence about this one but loved it when I put it on. It's definately a pinky rose color and not brown at all. Like this one a lot for every day. I agree with whoever said it was a "go to" color.
Mocha - I like this but it's perm. Kinda orangey brown and darker than Yash.

Flesh - This seems to be the lipgloss form of Yash but a tad darker. It was okay. I didn't think it was as bad as other reviews have been saying but just not exciting. I think it would be a good topper to Yash if you wanted a gloss look.
Lust - I like this one! Also seems to be the gloss form of Mehr. Perm.

Athma Quad
Jaan and Vivah have horrible color payoff. Although, they are Lustres, so if you like "work with your shadows", that may not bother you. The quad just didn't excite me at all.

Oomph, Marvel, and Rani all didn't have great color payoff either. The colors are pretty but if you already have dupes, just skip them. Saffron was beautiful! It's a rusty dark orange and very warm.

Siahi - Beautiful deep teal blue. To me, it leans more towards blue than green. Very pigmented and nice. You can sheer it out if you want to use as e/s or base but it's wonderful as a liner.
Ivy - If anyone remembers the old Shu ME Green emerald color, this is like that color. It's a beautiful color but sheer application. I think it needs to be a touch darker and pigmented to work for me.

Powder Blush
Gana - I thought this was interesting but swatched on my hand, it looked a little dull. I think it might be different if I tried on my face though.
Sur - I don't know what the hubbub is about this color. This one just seems like a standard brown amber rosey type blush! It's pretty, yes. Is it worth bending over backwards to get it? I don't think so.

I left with Mehr, Yash, Siahi, and Saffron. I love them all! If I had a little more money to spend, I would have gotten the blushes. If I had money to blow, I would have gotten Gulabi, the quad, and the glosses next. Heh.

Hope that helps and happy shopping!


Well-known member
Like someone mentioned you can call the stores that have it and see if they will do a order for you. Shipping is $7. The Lincoln Rd Store in Miami Beach. FL had some Saihi left when I went last but that was atleast 2-3 days ago. I would call them to make sure.


Well-known member

Siahi is perfection to me. It is perfect blend of pretty dark blue with a hit of teal, the blend is amazing, the teal makes it pop. It pulls blue on me with a touch of teal which makes it so interesting as eyeliner. It's not just a boring dark blue and it isn't metallic. See I have been searching for this color in gel liner form forever, truly. I love blue liner but I usually can only find them in pencil form which I don't to line my upper lashes with b/c it is too much effort for me and I like to use brushes. I am so happy, can you tell?

Ivy-nice. I can see this as a pretty base for me under greens and teals. I wonder how it will look like under Steamy. I haven't check b/c I am fatuated with Siahi, right now to bother to see how it looks.

Ooompm, I really like it. I never wanted Greensmoke b/c of the lustre finish and this is a great veluxe pearl finish. I didn't have a problem with pigmentation but I do agree that this color can be found within other brands but I don't have a dupe for it, so yay.

Saffron- I see everyone's point on this Let me explain.
Dilligaf-when you swatch it, it warms up on your finger and applied on your hand it warms up a lot and looks like Red brick with a satin pearl finish especially if you blend it out with your finger like it did.

Hergreyness and Shontay-I see your point too about it not being as red as Red brick and just a warm orange and that's probably how it will apply with a brush to my eye. When I just rub my finger over and don't apply to hand, it exactly how you guys describe it.

I think it is kinda of pissy of MAC to not let everyone get this collection. If nothing else, they could've have released the fluidlines to everyone since they keep continuing to pull all the bright bases out of the permanent.