MAC X Selena Quintanilla Collection (October 2016)


Well-known member
Went to google her to see what she usually wears, seems some reds might come into play!


Well-known member
I can't believe Mac actually listened to a petition! They never do lol I'm sure the lipsticks in this collection will be good! I also can't believe it's been 20 years I remember listening to her on the radio in my grandma's car lol


Well-known member
YAAAASSS!!! I am like beyond excited!!! no doubt I will be stalking all night, waiting in line at Macy's etc etc for this one ! there's no way I'm missing out. I hope and pray that it isn't anything like the RiRi launches and Mac doesn't half ass it by having it be like a 3 piece collection or something


Well-known member
I remember having her lunch box in elementary school and when she was murdered my mom had recorded all the news and specials about it on univision and telemundo on the VHS tape lmao. I'm dominican so in my house we didn't really listen to tejano music at the time. Only hers. It was a shock we found out she was gone. Im going to start to stalk the site from now until its released next year. Im taking no chances lmao


Well-known member
Bidi bidi bon bon lippie plz!i remember when she was killed I was in Seventh grade and heard about it in the radio I couldnt believe it I loved her.


Well-known member
I just put this up in the Early Buzz thread:


Well-known member
If you don't know Selena, I recommend watching the movie. Jennifer Lopez did do an excellent job of portraying Selena.

Growing up in Canada I didn't know about her until she was murdered and/or when J-Lo did this movie (can't remember). Or maybe it was just me being clueless in general. I did love this movie though.


Well-known member
I still can't hear one of her songs without getting teary eyed, especially "Como la flor". I was in high school when she was murdered and people in my city still have Selena bumper stickers on the back of their cars. The love people have for her is real. Hope MAC does her justice, very excited!!!


Well-known member
I still can't hear one of her songs without getting teary eyed, especially "Como la flor". I was in high school when she was murdered and people in my city still have Selena bumper stickers on the back of their cars. The love people have for her is real. Hope MAC does her justice, very excited!!!
Were you in class? I was too!! I was in 9th grade and when the rumor started the classes stopped!!!!

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