Macy's Counters...Help =(


Well-known member
I had my first interview with Macy's today. I applied had no idea what line was hiring (I was praying for MAC). Turns out its for Benefit Cosmetics. The interview went very well and I have a demo set up for next week. After reading a lot of posts here about Benefit and the whole traffic stopping all the time and being a very hard sell company, I'm having second doubts. I'm still going to go to the demo regardless BUT i have a handful of questions I'm hoping you lovely ladies can answer.

1. Do I need to bring anything to the demo? (my own brushes, my own model, etc..they left me a voicemail about the demo so I didnt get to ask and they didnt say)

2. Any special benefits? Like I know MAC gets gratis for every new collection and when you get hired you get x amount of money to buy MAC products.

3. Are you required to wear all and only Benefit make-up?

4. Is the training any good?

5. I am a freelance make-up artist, does this have a conflict of interest with benefit/macys? and what is the procedure for when I need a day off or whatever because I have clients.

and LASTLY...during my interview the HR person said that she had some part-time positions available at different counters as well. I asked about MAC but she said she works with their numbers and not their people. If I happen to BOMB the demo and don't get offered a job or get told to leave or just straight up not want to work at the Benefit counter, am I no longer allowed to try to work for another counter until I re-apply or should I go back to the HR person and ask about other jobs at counters( if so can I ask her the same day or do I have to wait?)...

OKAY AND ONE MORE..sorry I know this is long. Since the HR person said she only does the numbers for MAC and not the actual hiring, can I/should I apply seperately at MAC? The Benefit and MAC counters are diagonal from each other, would it be rude to go over there after my interview and apply? Or should I wait an hour or two or a few days?

THANK YOU so much for answering my questions, I should have asked some of these at the interview but went completely blank.


Well-known member
Mac just leases the space at Macy's. They have absolutly nothing to do w/ their hiring. I remember being hired at Macy's for cosmetics and the manager said "Shes put her best girls in MAC" BS!!! I had to do it all on my own, she had nothing to do with it. Don't let em fool you into staying.

A Demo for benefit consist of traffic stopping. Depending if you're able to sell and sit people down is if you'll get hired or not. It has nothing do to with makeup.

You don't only have to wear Benefit, just something that looks like it, so you can sell.

If you need days off, and you're scheduled, then honestly, you'll be s.o.l unless someone wants to switch with you.

If you don't get hired there, just turn in your resume w/ MAC. I don't know what region you're in, but I know they've slowed down on hiring in mine.

Best of luck, and hope this helped!


Well-known member
Honest opinion from someone who worked at a counter in Macy's for two years- don't do it. Go apply at MAC, and work for them, don't settle for a counter that Macy's has so much control over. They will make your life a living hell over credit card goals, selling goals, etc- and as the newest person, guess who will get to work every holiday and every midnight shift around Christmas?
I work at a Dillards department store in florida that has a MAC renting space in it. After working there a while I found out that you can't transfer or be hired to MAC until you have quit from Dillards for 3 months! If you want to work for MAC in the future you should find out if they have the same policy.

Hope it all works out! Good luck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
Honest opinion from someone who worked at a counter in Macy's for two years- don't do it. Go apply at MAC, and work for them, don't settle for a counter that Macy's has so much control over. They will make your life a living hell over credit card goals, selling goals, etc- and as the newest person, guess who will get to work every holiday and every midnight shift around Christmas?

Almost the EXACT same story at a department store here in Australia. Its like they OWN you
Its horrible.
My advice: don't settle for less!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
Honest opinion from someone who worked at a counter in Macy's for two years- don't do it. Go apply at MAC, and work for them, don't settle for a counter that Macy's has so much control over. They will make your life a living hell over credit card goals, selling goals, etc- and as the newest person, guess who will get to work every holiday and every midnight shift around Christmas?

What she said, I've worked for Macy's for 2 (3 years in November) and it f**king sucks! I'm only a part timer for Clinique but I have like no life, Macy's makes it your life. And since I'm part time I get stuck closing all the time, maybe one weekend off in a blue moon, and holidays blow because I always have midnights and make no extra money...ugh...I hate my


Well-known member
Originally Posted by babygirl7345
After working there a while I found out that you can't transfer or be hired to MAC until you have quit from Dillards for 3 months! If you want to work for MAC in the future you should find out if they have the same policy.

Hope it all works out! Good luck!

And Macy's has the same policy. Good luck!


Well-known member
Thank you so much for all your help girls! I'm going to go to the demo/audition anyway just to get some experince and such, but I really think I'm going to go apply at MAC now. I shouldn't settle for something I know I'm going to be unhappy with.

Thanks again!