Makeup Bag Questions


Well-known member
I only carry with me my nlot powder (pressed), lipstick and lipgloss i used that day and eye pencil liner


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all i bring is lipgloss and on occasion mascara oh and mayyyybe but very rarely i carry concealor. I never reapply anything though so I have no clue why I bother bringing anything lol


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I only carry pressed powder, concealer & whatever gloss I am wearing that day. If you use a good base (both for face & for eyes) you really shouldn't need to reapply during the day.


Well-known member
I bring my make-up bag everyday. I started doing this because sometimes I'd end up staying the night at my fiance's or my sister's house without planning it & id need my make-up for the next day.

It contains my studio fix powder, concealer, eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, mascara, lipbalm, a brown and highlighter eyeshadow & gold glitter, tweezers, tissues, wet wipes, cotton buds/q-tips, spare hair elastics and some other bits and pieces. For the past few weeks i've been carrying a choice of 1-2 lipsticks, 3 glosses and 2 blushers.

If im going out at night to a restaurant or something and I know for definate im comin home, I just carry my lipstick/gloss, eyeliner, foundation & cotton buds.

Oooh and as for brushes, my make-up bag always has a powder brush, my 187, eyeshadow & blending brush.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisaMayah
I bring my make-up bag everyday. I started doing this because sometimes I'd end up staying the night at my fiance's or my sister's house without planning it & id need my make-up for the next day.

It contains my studio fix powder, concealer, eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, mascara, lipbalm, a brown and highlighter eyeshadow & gold glitter, tweezers, tissues, wet wipes, cotton buds/q-tips, spare hair elastics and some other bits and pieces. For the past few weeks i've been carrying a choice of 1-2 lipsticks, 3 glosses and 2 blushers.

If im going out at night to a restaurant or something and I know for definate im comin home, I just carry my lipstick/gloss, eyeliner, foundation & cotton buds.

Oooh and as for brushes, my make-up bag always has a powder brush, my 187, eyeshadow & blending brush.

LoL its nice to know I'm not the only one.


Since I'm at school all day or work..
I usually just carry just lip gloss.
I usually stop at home to do my makeup before going anywhere.
I live close to school.


Well-known member
my portable makeup bag at the moment:

select sheer pressed powder
TBS tea tree concealer (i think i should chuck this, it's old and i never use it)
129SE brush
a few random glosses (because i haven't cleaned it out).
blotting paper

i don't touch up much during the day, so i just carry the basics. i have a minimini stash of cheap makeup at the SO's house so i'm never stuck without makeup there... but it explains my total crapola makeup jobs on the weekends
if i'll be going to be a special event i'll drag my MAC over there.


Well-known member
Since my car is my office right now I touch up a bit throughout the day, but I don't usually need to do much. I have the Physician's Formula Mineral Veil in the loose powder with the attached brush I can just buff over my face to cut the shineys and lipgloss and that's about it. My makeup doesn't look brand new when I get home at the day, but its not too bad.


Well-known member
I just carry a small makeup bag in my purse with touch-up makeup. It usually consists of a mini-eyeliner pencil in whatever color I'm wearing for the day, a mini mascara, two lipglosses, an eye-makeup remover stick for smudges, concealer, and face/blot powder, plus my lip balm in my pocket. I really don't carry around any brushes, but I have a mini-brush set that I got from mark. or something that I carry around a few of for touch ups. But for the most part, I prime everything so much that it lasts till I can get home and do a better job! Though occasionally, I'll carry an eyeshadow and a brush to apply it, but only a few colors fade on me, so my purse can stay a little lighter. LOL


Well-known member
my make up bag just contains a variety of lipsticks and lipglosses (not too many). for two reasons; 1) i like to switch up my lips through out the day sometimes, and 2) i can't be bothered to remember to always bring my lipstick/gloss in the i just leave them in my purse. i only reapply my lips through out the day.. everything else stays put until i take it off at night time ususally. i also carry a pressed blot powder but since i've started using milk of magnesia on my t-zone i hardly, hardly ever use it. before i used m.o.m. my forehead would be a oil slick by lunch time. now, it stays matte for a good 10-12 hours!


Well-known member
lol my makeup bag is tooo small poooo... so some of it isnt really "in" my makeup bag. its in my school bag or purse
i usually have at least 2 lipsticks, at least 2 lipglosses, lip conditioner like burt's bees, lipliner, holiday lip palette, powder compact, 1 petite gloss, 2 tuby gloss like lip gelee, hair ties, pencil eye liner + shapener if im not lazy, brush ups packet, cotton swabs + moist towlettes packets <--- people think i carry condoms because it looks like one >=(

yes i know.. its totally overkill with lip products heeeheeee... thats why my makeup bag explodes