makeup blog help...


Well-known member
As some of you might know, i made a makeup blog in december and it gets quite a few people on it now n again and i love doing it.. but theres this girl who i absolutly CANT STAND!!! she found my blog link on some thing i posted it on and i totally forgot she was in the same place... she copies everything like steals ideas, copies how i write things, steals pics and other things which really annoys me coz she makes it obvious she copies if u get me?

anyways she sent me an email to my makeup blog email and gave me some ideas for my blog [yeh.. as if shes not gonna copy anyway?]
and i was shocked coz i didnt realise she read my blog...

so i would love to find out if theres a way i can block users from visiting my blog? or if i can change my blog name but keep the posts or something?



Well-known member
unfortunately once it's online there's not much you can do to avoid people like that from stealing your ideas, info, pictures and work - it's really uncouth, especially when they take your info and pass it off as theirs. not cool. you could watermark your pics to deter her...

i'm not sure if you could block her from your blog really - people like that will always find a way to get around that..


Well-known member
Watermark any pictures you put on there. That will at least stop her from taking the pictures hopefully.

You could always send her an email asking her to stop. Sometimes people will stop if you confront them and they know that you know they're stealing your stuff. Beyond that, I'm not sure what else you can do.


Well-known member
I don't understand these people,how could they do this. They dont feel shame if someone knows that they steal others work :x ?!
sorry for that and I'm with the girls to send her email and watermark your work


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mollythedolly
Oh no! Did you shut it down?

i was wondering the same thing cause i went to check it today and it was a gone.


Well-known member
I think there is away to block someones ip adress ..but I seriously have no idea how that works. Maybe if you know anyonw that web savvy ? ...I remember reading on this blog that the blogger had an annoying reader that would leave her horrible comments ..and the blogger called her out on it and then blocked her ip adress... but I believe she works or is in the know about these things.

Maybe could write her an email and get some advice ? I dunno hun .. good luck though


Well-known member
Originally Posted by electrostars
What kind of blogging software do you use?

if you mean website then its on blogspot [] ... ive deleted it for now but im gnna start over and do the celebrity looks in better detail! ill start it up next week


Well-known member
Please note you can only watermark images you take yourself, you can't add a watermark on celeb pics you've found online.


Well-known member
i made a new blog
check it out! [its in my signature!] ill be doing lots of posts throughout this week


Well-known member
Watermark your images, it's the best way.
I don't know how it works the provider of your blog service, but normally you can report it as a copycat and request to an admin to block a user by I.P.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
if you mean website then its on blogspot [] ... ive deleted it for now but im gnna start over and do the celebrity looks in better detail! ill start it up next week

i meant software, i thought you were maybe using something like wordpress or something..but you're using so nevermind. lol.