Everyone has given you some great advice. I really don’t think you need to make more money in your time in life but learn to manage money for what is important to you. Sure you can get another job and work your butt off but it will directly affect your school work more than likely. If you affect your school work then it can affect your graduation time or GPA- which is not worth having a train case full of things you may not use.
I’m in college and through a slow process I’ve moved up to making 12/hr from 8/hr by always keeping my options open and doing some job search and switches. Everything else is about balance and budget. I’m young and a student so my credit card limit is really low so I have one credit card that I use as my entertainment/luxuries card for the month (including eating out, movies, shows, clothes, makeup, hair, getting nails done etc) once I reach my limit for my billing cycle I move back over to poor college student mode and just live off of my grocery money so it requires some budgeting. Then at the end of the month I pay it off in full to start over again- it has worked pretty well for me.
Stuff doesn’t make anyone happy it can provide temporary glee but it surely isn’t permanent. I do the Ebay thing as well. My boyfriend and I recently moved and it took us almost 3 full days to move into our 1 bedroom apartment and we were just appalled at how much stuff we had and how much we did not use. We have been living there a month and have unpacked about 15% of our stuff and are just super happy the way we are- we totally don’t miss the stuff. So we decided we were going to sell our extraneous stuff in the boxes on Ebay/Craigslist and put the money into savings for something worthwhile like a vacation in the future. We decided stuff that is in the boxes no longer belongs in our lives and if we keep things “just in case” or ‘for the future” we will just sell it and if needed later repurchase. We love hotel living for the reason that everything is simple and clean.
Sorry, I know I didn’t give you much useful advice- but there are only two ways of obtaining extra funds- make more or spend less. It’s a big balancing act and will take some perfecting!