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Making Yourself a Crease with Blue and Brown (Pic Heavy)

Angel Of Moon

Well-known member
first of all.... its a great tutorial...
im jelous of ur eyes!! yeah yeah and also of the "wannabe crease"

just love ur tuts... ur so beautifull

muwaaa <3

Sound Of Vision

Well-known member
YESSS!! Thank you!! I have problem with that too! My eye is a bit hooded!! I hope to see more tutorials for hooked/no-crease eyes!!!


Well-known member
Awesome tutorial! I always thought that I was one of the few with the creaseless foldy thing... thanks for showing us a way to define our eyes more! I used to hate when I would do my eye makeup and it would look gorgeous closed and then I open my eyes and you could hardly see it, but now I'll have to try your trick!


Active member
wow! super pretty combo and awesome tut! my eyelids almost look identical to yours and i'm really excited to try this, it looks like it could completely change my makeup application. thanks so much for doing this!


Well-known member
Yay! Thanks everyone! I knew there were a lot of ladies out there with a similar eyelid, but apparently there are a lot more than I thought. Like I said, I really hope this is helpful to people because I know how frustrating it can be when you have no crease and all the tutorials and stuff are catered to people with nice, defined creases. I'd really like to hear if anyone tries this out and has some success. If this has actually helped someone, I may share a few more of the tricks I've learned over the years


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blazeno.8
I tried this today and it looked sooo cool! You have my vote!

Wooo! You did?! Yay! I'm glad you liked it.


Well-known member
This is such an excellent tutorial. You are really skilled at creating a crease. It will help so many of us who have that wanna be crease eyelid
Thank you so much for this!


Well-known member
That's a really cool technique! I'll have to try this out, altho my foldy-thingy's pretty deep. Thanks so much for posting this!


Well-known member
Oh yeah I did this with a really dark liner pencil one time and it did turn out great! Good tutorial.