Male or female gyno?


Well-known member
Who are YOU more comfortable with? If you had a concern about 'down there' who would you feel more comfortable talking to?

I have had both male and female doctors and don't see much of a difference. Right now I go to a female gyno, and she's great.


Well-known member
I've never had a male but I don't think it would bother me, it's only natural though to feel like a woman can relate to you more so you'd be more comfortable; as long as they're good at their job then I don't mind.


Well-known member
I've only ever gone to a female gynecologist, but my mother and a few older female relatives go to male gyn. They've told me it's normal at first to only want a female doctor, but my mom said that once she had kids and had several nurses/doctors down there in her business, it didn't really matter to her anymore as to what their sex was. I don't know if I'll ever change my mind, I would be extremely embarrassed to tell a young hot guy about my female problems, just out of my own insecurities.


Well-known member
i've only ever had women. I'd be embarrassed to have a guy because most of the time when I go to the doctor its for a ex bf had to see enough of all the gross stuff, i don't want another guy seeing it on top of that.

but I have a consultation for a breast reduction on march 10th and thats with a guy. I don't care. he is going to touch my boobs, and measure them and take pictures. the thought of it isn't bothering me.


Well-known member
If you're super shy and think you might feel embarrassed with a man (young hot, old, or otherwise) prodding around down there... then certainly stick with a woman.

I'd ask around to friends and coworkers. You're bound to know someone who will give their ob/gyn a glowing recommendation. I'd do it sooner than later though, as these are the ones that tend to take months to get in to see. =/


Well-known member
Thank you all for your input, it's nice to get a few opinions and see how other people feel. I did some research and found a woman who is about 10 years older than me and works by a great hospital in the area, which is important because I'd like to have children soon. Thanks again!


Well-known member
I prefer male gyns. They're less hung up on the obstetrics aspect (I've found male doctors who are just gyns and don't practice obstetrics at all) and are more accepting and informative when I discuss plans for permanent birth control and sterilisation. The last female gyn I went to was all 'babies babies babies!' for the entire hour I was there and it was complete brain-melting torture.


Well-known member
It really depends on what you are comfortable with. Until I was pregnant, I never had to go to a gyno. I heard many great things about the doctor I chose. And he is extremely easy to talk to.
If you don't feel comfortable, you can always switch doctors.