Man Candy


Well-known member
I need to go to bed, but instead I'm searching for pictures of hot men

Two more and then I'm done for the night!




Well-known member
I hope you will all humor me because I don't know who a lot of those sexy guys were but here are my picks (the last one is my favorite!)



Well-known member
Here's my list (hopefully I do this correctly). Not sure if my picks qualify as candy - they are fully clothed!

Edited to add: Just realized these guys are all over 40! I am officially old!!

Jason Bateman

Rick Schroder

Neil Finn

Andy Summers

1980s Sting



Well-known member
My fav is Channing!! Other hotties that I love in no particular order: Patrick Swayze, Paul Walker, Orlando Bloom ( as Legolas), Brad Pitt ( especially in Interview with the Vampire!), Will Smith, Shemar Moore, Eminem ( lol don't make fun of me!!), Tom Cruise (top gun!!) and Val Kilmer ( top gun/ batman), Kevin Costner (!!) , Andy Garcia, Marky mark (lol) , Stifler, Vin Diesal, Vince Vaughn, Taylor Lautner........ oh and my Freddie Prinze Jr!!!! I had to repost this from the new buzz thread lol I love all the other guys mentioned and posted: Brad Pitt, Zac Effron, Ryan Gosling, The LOTR men, Johnny Depp, Andy Whitefield, David Beckham, and I can't remember lol. how come all the hot guys are famous?! where are the hot guys in the real world lol i like see two a year!


Well-known member
My favourites (Adam and Shemar) have already been posted, so I'll just throw these guys in... (NO idea who they are... but whoever they are, they're pretty easy on the eyes...

I know I'm forgetting someone, they'll be added later...