Matte Eyeshadows


Well-known member
i love matte and shimmer together. i always try to use both whenever i do my looks. but for work, i tend to stick to mattes.


Well-known member
i couldn't do without my matte's. i actually don't really feel like i have trouble blending them. my fav's are embark (my HG!), passionate and orange. i find them to be the most versatile of shadow finishes because you can use them on other parts of your face like for blushes, setting brows and countouring. <3 em


Well-known member
Almost all of the MAC eyeshadows I own are mattes (and a couple of velvets). I faced the fact that I can't wear shimmer forever.


Well-known member
I used to shy away from them because they are harder to blend, at least for me and even some matte blushes are harder to blend. Now, I use matte colors more. I'm getting used to it because I can't always do the shimmery, frosty looks.


Well-known member
I'm not a fan of matte e/s by MAC, but I love matte e/s by Urban Decay. They give a very sophisticated look, are easily blendable, and come in great colors. I do like MAC's Veluxe Pearl e/s.


Well-known member
I, personally, have A LOT of glitter eyeshadows and I'm really getting sick of it. Too much glitter is not good sometimes, it makes you look like a drag queen. I think matte eyeshadow sometimes makes you look a little more mature. Plus, you don't want all that glitter to fall off your lid to your whole face, would you?


New member
I have recently come to appreciate mattes in a whole different way now. I love them for my crease. An eye full of shimmer makes my eyelid look chubby, not cute, the matte really deepens the look and make eyes more defined. Mattes are definitely a powerful weapon in your makeup aresenal!


Well-known member
i'm very picky with matte shadows! i prefer matte2 since the texture is so much nicer. i've found that satin shadows are a good substitute for mattes! even though there is usually a hint of shimmer, some shadows like brule, don't have any. they're so much easier to work with than mattes. mattes suck more often than not. i f'n hate shadowy lady.


Well-known member
I wear mattes and shimmers about equally... and find that they work best when blended with each other. I do have to laugh about the alleged 'rules' about being glittery in the workplace, since I'm wearing a copper glitter on my eyes RIGHT NOW! I don't believe in rules for makeup. Wear what makes you happy is what I say.
Some of the best mattes I've used have been from MUFE. They glide on like silk and blend beautifully. I LOVE that quad by the way. I have all those colors too! lol


Well-known member
For a long time, I would not use matte shadows, simply because I didn't like the texture and I felt that they were "chalky". In the last couple of weeks, I have sort of rediscovered this texture and I am actually enjoying the looks that I am coming up with. I find that they are more difficult to blend, but the results are beautiful and very classy. Though I am absolutely a die hard fan of veluxe pearl finishes, I must say that matte's are beginning to really grow on me.


Well-known member
I love matte shadows but they can be a bit hard to blend. I actually like MAC's satin eye shadows better. They blend a lot better than matte eye shadows and look a lot like matte shadows when applied.

Mlle De Sade

New member
I LOVE matte shadows. I wish they were as easy to find in palettes as shimmer and glitter. When I first started wearing makeup all the shimmer and glitter frustrated me because I just didn't like the look (I like opaque color); if I'd known about mattes, I'd never have dropped out on makeup. As mentioned, I think matte is more sophisticated looking and glitter/shimmer can easily be overdone.

I wish there was an 88 matte palette.


Well-known member
Does anyone like Folie? I can not get this to work for me..not too much color payoff..

I'm an NW 43/45


Well-known member
I've been collecting the Matte2's and as many Matte pigments as I can get my hands on, and I just called the Gone but Not Forgotten number for Graphology and Clarity. They will be mine in a few short weeks!! <3

I've really grown to love Matte's. I think at first they scared me, but I took a chance and bought 4 Matte2's and Fell. In. Love.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mlle De Sade
I LOVE matte shadows. I wish they were as easy to find in palettes as shimmer and glitter. When I first started wearing makeup all the shimmer and glitter frustrated me because I just didn't like the look (I like opaque color); if I'd known about mattes, I'd never have dropped out on makeup. As mentioned, I think matte is more sophisticated looking and glitter/shimmer can easily be overdone.

I wish there was an 88 matte palette.

There is one 88 palette that is about half matte, half satin.
Coastal Scents: 88 Piece Makeup Palette

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