Maxim’s worlds most unsexiest women


Well-known member
Wow .... kind of mean-spirited in my opinion. I could do without these kinds of lists, polls, etc.


Well-known member
Rather lame of Maxim to make a list like that.

Also, Sarah Jessica Parker mainly appeals to women doesnt she? I can see SJP as adorable and chic, with a very special face. But sexy? Nah. (not to me at least)


Well-known member
it is very obvious that the makers of this list have a completely different definiton for unsexy than i have.


Well-known member
Whenever I think of SJP I think of My Little Pony sitting atop a giant broch.

Also, there have been Unsexiest Men lists, a few in fact. It just depends on what you read. Of course Maxim isn't going to make an Unsexiest Man list because it's a MEN'S magazine, one geared toward heterosexual men.


Well-known member
What exactly makes a woman 'unsexy'? SJP and Madonna have really awesome bodies! And Sex n the City wouldn't be the hit that it was without the appeal of SJP IMO. And Sandra Oh is a very sexy Asian woman!

Just because they're not the typical big-breasted bimbo that tops their sexy list doesn't make them 'unsexy'!!

But should we even be surprised with this list? It's Maxim magazine!! You get this in the 'shallow' section of the magazine store.
awww I don't think that was necessary.. I think Sarah is incredibly elegant looking, maybe not sexy but she definitely didn't deserve to be first on that list! Celebrities have feelings too! haha


Well-known member
SJP is a butterface to most men. Yeah, they would 'hit it'---but only from the back. Britney has just gone down the tubes mentally, which is enough to keep men at bay. And, Madonna? She's older and played out to MAXIM readers.

MAXIM is shallow as hell, anyway. They vote Serena Williams as "sexy" because of her body and ass when a lot of men say they would only do her if a paper bag was within reach.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kuuipo
I guess Janet Reno can breathe a sigh of relief that she didn't make the list again.

LMAO! When ever I think of Janet Reno, Will Farrell and "Janet Reno's Dance Party" comes to mind. But anyways I gotta agree with the list. Mean or what ever, I don't consider any of those women to be sexy either! I'm not saying that they are ugly, not-toned etc... I just don't think they are "sexy". I think that there are wayyyyyyy more un-sexy men out there than un-sexy women. That list could just go on for ever and ever.



Well-known member
I would like to see Britney hire Xtina's makeup artist, hairdresser, and creator of her clothes. You would see a major transformation. She wouldn't even look like the same person. Then, I guess she would be at the top of the list again.


Well-known member
what a dumb list. i think that all of these when are sexy. maybe not Maxim sexy meaning bare all, big breasted and big booty, but they are in their own way. Plus, imo, Madonna is still sexy. she can bend and shake and move in all sorts of positions that most girls cant do when they are 15!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
SJP is a butterface to most men. Yeah, they would 'hit it'---but only from the back.

lulz. I laugh because it's true.


Active member
come on now they'e hardly the WORLD's unsexiest women just the worlds unsexiest celebrities....and not even that!! jackie stallone anyone?!?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
SJP is a butterface to most men. Yeah, they would 'hit it'---but only from the back. Britney has just gone down the tubes mentally, which is enough to keep men at bay. And, Madonna? She's older and played out to MAXIM readers.

MAXIM is shallow as hell, anyway. They vote Serena Williams as "sexy" because of her body and ass when a lot of men say they would only do her if a paper bag was within reach.

Butterface lol.. Said exactly what I was thinking...

SJP isn't attractive at all... She's got the dude looks like a lady face. Other than that, the only thing she has going for her is that she's thin, and used to be on Sex in the City. If anything getting said you look like SJP would be sooo insulting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gabi1129
Plus, imo, Madonna is still sexy. she can bend and shake and move in all sorts of positions that most girls cant do when they are 15!

I never could do what she does now at any age. ((sigh)) She is in amazing shape.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Butterface lol.. Said exactly what I was thinking...

SJP isn't attractive at all... She's got the dude looks like a lady face. Other than that, the only thing she has going for her is that she's thin, and used to be on Sex in the City. If anything getting said you look like SJP would be sooo insulting.

I don't know. I think she is very unique looking in a way that isn't conventionally attractive. I know she's had several nose jobs and I admire that she's kept her nose unique but just a little better. I find her face incredibly expressive in a way that many other actors' aren't and I like that I never hear her saying anything totally insane or walking around w/o underwear or stealing husbands.

I guess she looks like there's more to her than her face, like maybe something's going on beneath the surface and there's more than 2 neurons firing. I'd like to believe I value apparent depth more than perfectly symmetrical features and a button nose.

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