Maybelline Lash/Line Stylist


New member
Wow... this stuff is really nice. I just tried it on bare lashes just ouit of the shower... uncurled. I've never tried ma mascara that curls my lashes... but wow this does. It made em really long too! A little difficult to work with but not as much as a typical comb mascara. Its gorgeous!! and the line stylist liners.. well those are amazing too. Very tiny/skinny automatic twist up pencil that stays on forever. Literally. I use them on my inner rims and last night I was so tired I slept with my makeup on (eeeek) and today I got up and went to work wearing the same makeup.. well it stayed till the end of today and I still had to scrub it!


Well-known member
Hey Chelsea,which colors do you have line stylist liners in??Lining the inner rims and having the eyeliner on for 2 days looking nice sounds AMAZING!!

Thanks for the info!


Well-known member
I am going to have to try the Line Stylist. I bought the Lash Stylist the other day and I really like it. It took me about 2 days to get used to using it but it has made my lashes look long and full and I am happy with the way it has worked.


Well-known member
i have the mascara. i bought the regular one and loved it so much i got a waterproof one too! haha. might just have to try the liner too.


Well-known member
I know this is an old thread but I just had to bump it. I LOVE the line stylist liners from Maybelline. I have onyx, sapphire, and plum -- and they all stay on the waterline beautifully, esp for only $5!
The twist up pencil is really nice too
Just thought i'd recommend it again!


Active member
Another bump. I haven't tried Line Stylsit but I really, really like Lash Stylist. It's one of the most effective non-volumizing mascaras I've tried for under $10US! If you want seriously long, fake looking lashes but like me aren't very big on volume you may want to try this.


Well-known member
I love lash stylist. Line Stylist is OK but I always had to warm mine on a Kleenex before applying. I had quite a few until I bought MAC.


i really love line stylish except it BREAKS SO EASILLY! i went through so much and many broke =( i always buy alot cus i'm scared they'll run out. lol. i'm not sure bout the staying power cus sadly i never take noticeof my make up after a long day =/ i just wipe. but i dun think its so good because it seems to smudge.
i tried the mascara before its OK its good enough
I didn't have great luck with Lash Stylist - it's a very black, very pigmented mascara with great thickening and lengthening properties, but it flaked on me
Also, it tended to pull out the curl in my lashes, though it'd probably be okay if I used the waterproof version. It was a little clumpy, but that's not really a problem usually. Maybe it'll get better if I let it dry out a little - I had similar problems with L'Oreal Voluminous at first.

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