Meaning of Dreams?

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Recently I've been having some pretty unusual and bad dreams :| I dreamt that two of my best friends died, one of drug overdose and one was murdered and my two friends were River Phoenix and Duff McKagan.

I mean im dreaming of celebrities and their fates, Duff's not even near dead, he's fine. I always seem to wake up crying hysterically which is weird for me.

So why am i dreaming these things? I havent got a loss in the family nor im worried about anyone, college is ok but stressful at time which is the norm to me. the full moon's been and gone now, so idk whats the meaning of these dreams. any explainations would be good for me.


Well-known member
I really don't think that dreams have any genuine meaning in real life - they're fantasy although they may have a biological function in terms of memory. I keep dreaming my father was still alive but sadly that doesn't make it true. There are however lots of people who will take good money from you to "interpret" them for you should you be in a particularly gullible mood.

There is absolutely zero scientific evidence that dreams can predict the future.


Well-known member
2nd that. Or some people believe (like me) that dreams are the subconscious answering a problem of the conscious mind. Dreams can be very powerful.

When you dream of a person like a celeb there is something about that person that relates highly to you. In that sense again I'd need more details but the dream is probably taking a part of you that you have neglected or a bad decision or something you have felt you needed to repress or something that wouldn't be the best thing in the world for you to try to kill off right now.

You say Stress is a factor (which is normal for school) but is there something that you usually like doing that you have neglected or tried to repress?

But I should add that this is coming from a very deep Native American belief that dreams do have meanings.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
But I should add that this is coming from a very deep Native American belief that dreams do have meanings.

That's illogical, Captain


Well-known member
in my psych class, we learned that our dreams reflect upon things that we do, things that we think about, and emotions we feel during the day. they're also made up of random activity caused by the brain. most often, we experience bad dreams as the brain's way of processing negative emotions and helping us deal with them more rationally the next day. but a lot of the time, we just have dreams that make no sense at all.. and you can't necessarily tie "symbols" in your dreams to specific meanings. i'm no psychologist and i'm definitely not claiming to be lol i'm just letting you know what i picked up in class. hth?