Medical students and Medical professionals!


Well-known member
I noticed there are a few of us about at the moment! I have just moved my degree to the US to complete my studies, so now I am studying in Virginia! Woohoo!

So I thought I would make a little chat topic for us and see how everyone is finding it so far!

Lets all introduce ourselves as I think its a rare occurrence for Medical students to be in to make up, since we spend a lot of our time taking it off at professors wishes, or smearing it on glasses or eye protection! Woohoo!

I have spoken to a couple of you so far but I know some of you are lurking about here, and I will find you...Or not!

My name is Kate, I am hoping to become a Pediatric doctor but I would like to specialize in Surgery and possibly Autism eventually. I love kids and I currently am working on building up my charities I own and work within to do bigger and better things! (If anyone wants some work experience next summer in Africa, Bulgaria, Russia or Romania let me know! Anyone with medical experience would be appreciated! )
I nearly became a midwife but decided I enjoyed the Science a lot more and ended up in Medical school!

Also anyone else in the med profession! Post your story here too! =)

“The girls who love make up, but have to take it off every single day for work =(“


Well-known member
I'm a pre-med student! I've been waiting for a post like this. I just started my second year at college so I'm just starting out. I'm hoping to be a dermatologist or get into pediatrics. Right now I'm trying to get into research and starting to volunteer. What are you're experiences so far as apre-med, med, or resident? I know dermatology is one of the most competitive fields to get into, but im up for the challenge!


Well-known member
Hi there
I'm in my third year of college, I'm not sure what field I'd like to go in, I have several that I'm considering! There's time to figure it out anyway.

And the work experience you mentioned sounds very interesting, where could I look into that?


Well-known member
Umm... well, I haven't even finished high school but med school is definitely in my future. Looking to be a Plastic Surgeon. I've got a LOOOONG way to go! D:


Well-known member
OOO word of advise! Never say plastic surgeon at a medical school interview! My friends all got told "No" when they said that!

I can send you some info if you PM me your email =)


Well-known member
My interview was very good!

I got asked the obvious questions, why do I want to be a Doctor, what do I want to achieve in the next 20 years, and what work experience did I have.

I think work experience is where they will push you! I thankfully had a lot of experience!

I got asked very boring questions, mainly to do with Autism since that is my life even before medical school, having 16 years of experience straight up from my sister.

"Why is a gluten free diet important"
"What do you think of people self diagnosing themselves with ADHD/Autism
"What is the test for an Autistic child"
"What is the medical diagnosis for Aspergers syndrome"
"Do all autistic children have special talents"
"What’s different about Instutionalised Autism"
"How did you feel working with Instutionalised autism"

Those were my main ones. =)


Well-known member
awesome thread!!! i just graduated with my bs in biology and am applying right now to optometry and physician's assistant programs...wish me luck!!


Well-known member
I'm an EMT finishing up a degree in Bio, I'll be taking MCAT in the summer. I'm interested in emergency medicine (obviously) more from a primary care for underinsured and disadvantaged populations angle, although I am a bit of a trauma bunny like anyone who has spent time in EMS. It's great to know there are a few of us med geeks lurking about!


Well-known member
Aww thats cool Sario! I was thinking about Emergency med but I dont think I could deal with being that disconnected from my patients! Wooo go for it!!!!

We need more Emergency doctors about!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
OOO word of advise! Never say plastic surgeon at a medical school interview! My friends all got told "No" when they said that!

I can send you some info if you PM me your email =)

Oh geez! Then what do I tell them? Reconstructive surgeon (I would do that as well.)

If you have any useful info, sure, I'm PM you my email address. Thank you so much.


Well-known member
I'm not in medical school, but im in my second year of pharmacy school. If i didnt start a family at 17 years old i would have loved to work in the pediatrics department specializing in oncology.

[On a fashion at my school] My class of 2010 has about 55 students and 40 of those students are female. And i think out of all of them the only makeup they wear is foundation.

If any of you reading this and you are in highschool or taking pre med, i really reccomend volunteering at a hospital, because they like well rounded students, and if your g.p.a isnt very competitve like a 3.8 or higher, but you have 2+ years of volunteering.. they really like seeing those sort of things, since everyone has great grades they want something that sets you apart. Also the interview process is where med schools make the final decision about you. Its really hard not to see them as boring robots but just be yourself when you apply, answer genuinely, and it doesnt hurt to have a sense of humor or some sort of story about yourself that touches their heart. Like they asked me who my hero was growing up and i think i really blew them away with my story about my brother.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
Oh geez! Then what do I tell them? Reconstructive surgeon (I would do that as well.)

Originally Posted by chocolategoddes

If you have any useful info, sure, I'm PM you my email address. Thank you so much.

I would go for ENT (Ear nose and throat) because they are always looking for people who do that!! And all my friends who I went to Romania with, who I told to say that got accepted straight away. Because most people want to be neruo surgons, cardiologists, and other big names.

You could say Gereatrics if you have done any kinda work with old people too!


Well-known member
I'm not a medical student, but I am a student nurse. I don't mind not being able to wear make up for work, when I'm busy how I look is the last thing on my mind. It's a massive peeve of mine to see colleagues with crusty mascara and false nails on. It looks disgusting, and from a patient perspective it doesn't look good if your make up is falling into their wound while you clean it. That's not to say I don't like to look well groomed though, I keep my hair smart and my nails clean and short. I'll cover the odd spot with a bit of concealer but would never consider wearing lipstick while on shift.

I've got 1 year left of training (I'm in the UK, the course at my Uni is 3 years, I know others run for 4 in different towns) and I can't wait to qualify and do my job without having to follow a mentor around all day!

I think once I qualify I will get whatever job I can, possibly in general medicine then I would like to get into cosmetic surgery, which is probably the shallowest form of nursing there is but it's what I want to do for a career. That will involve doing another degree so I can specialise, so it's probably another 3 years away.


Active member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
Oh geez! Then what do I tell them? Reconstructive surgeon (I would do that as well.)

If you have any useful info, sure, I'm PM you my email address. Thank you so much.

4th yr med students POV.
While there is a stigma around plastic surgeons in general, I think it's always better to be truthful because if you start making things up, it'll bite you in the ass. Plus, you never know, your interviewer could be a plastic surgeon him/herself. Most students applying to medical school have absolutely no clue what they want to do and that's fine, but if you are truly interested in plastics, being that it is so competitive, you should start early (college, 1st year of medical school) and look for research opportunities and a mentor who is a plastic surgeon, etc. When it comes down to competitive fields, oftentimes its who you know and who likes you. The interview process/medical school application process/residency application process can be quite subjective. Most people who apply plastic surgery will also apply general surgery as well for a safety net (not that general surgery is easy to get in either, but not as competitive as plastics).

This is a 4th year med student from the east coast POV so you might want to seek some help from west coast-ers if that's where you're from and plan on staying.


Well-known member
Thats some good advice, I shadowed a PS last year for 1 week in Serbia, it may be for you but I didnt take to it well!


Well-known member
Haven't been a student in a while, but I am a veterinarian. Nobody in vet school had time to wear makeup: classes started at 7.30AM and ended most days somewhere around 5. We couldn't spare the extra 15 minutes and deprive ourselves of precious sleep, LOL. And it was kind of a moot point anyway: the environment doesn't exactly lend itself to having your makeup survive the day. Very easy to get splattered with blood, manure etc. Dog licks your face and you end up with blush on one side and not the other, etc.

I wear eyeglasses, so my eye makeup stays put if I wear any. I can use the microscope without removing my glasses, so smearing isn't a problem. And the lone male vet in my clinic is probably glad that it isn't, because he would be looking kind of silly with raccoon eyes of smudged purple and brown eyeshadow

I have given up on wearing lipgloss to work; it is a magnet for animal hair. Never fails: every time I wear it, I get to see 5 fluffy white animals in a row!

All you would be medical professionals, enjoy your MAC while you can. Because when you graduate, you will be virtually penniless for the next decade. The medical professions aren't really profitable until you repay the student loans: took me 9 years, and I paid off earlier than lots of people I know.


Well-known member
This is such an awesome thread! And I might as well introduce myself...

I'm currently a sophomore majoring in biology and minoring in chemistry, and I plan on attending medical school after graduation. I've always known I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up, and for the past couple of years I've really been interested in forensic pathology. I used to want to be a plastic surgeon back in middle school/early high school, but at the moment, forensice pathology is calling my name. Of course, I'm sure I'll change my mind many more times!

I'm going to be keeping an eye on this thread and offer input when I can. I've already learned a lot already, so thank you everyone!