Megan Fox MTV Movie Awards 2009


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you know what else is disturbing me? a white zipper on a predominantly black dress. Ugghhhhhh disgusting!!


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I think this would have looked better if the hair was slicked back in a tight, high ponytail or it was slicked back and the hair was straight all the way down.

LOL it does look like the Beyonce dress. Now I REALLY feel bad fot the curtains that sacrificed their lives for both Ms. Knowles and Ms. Fox's dresses. A moment of silence, please.....


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my husband and some guy pals over at my house thought she looked horrible too...thats a BAD day for her when a bunch of guys think she isnt looking too hot.

she has SUCH potential !


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Originally Posted by ~MARIETTE~
Kill it! Kill the hair with fire!


I'm going to get stoned for saying this, but...

Megan Fox, to me, never struck me as as striking as people make her out to be. I can't deny that she's attractive and definitely oozes sex appeal, but to me her "sexiness" seems forced and artificial, and it's just something about her...I can't really put my finger on it. Also her recent magazine interviews have just kind of irked me. Personally, I prefer a more classic as opposed to sexy beauty, but that's just me
Not saying classic beauty can't be sexy, but it's just different...I'm too tired to explain it -_-

But anyway, back on topic, she be a hot mess at the MTV movie awards. Seriously. These comments are making me lol so badly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luvsic

I'm going to get stoned for saying this, but...

Megan Fox, to me, never struck me as as striking as people make her out to be. I can't deny that she's attractive and definitely oozes sex appeal, but to me her "sexiness" seems forced and artificial, and it's just something about her...I can't really put my finger on it. Also her recent magazine interviews have just kind of irked me. Personally, I prefer a more classic as opposed to sexy beauty, but that's just me
Not saying classic beauty can't be sexy, but it's just different...I'm too tired to explain it -_-

But anyway, back on topic, she be a hot mess at the MTV movie awards. Seriously. These comments are making me lol so badly.

You and i differ in the fact that I think Megan is extremly striking and beautiful, and naturally so. I think this fact is overshadowed by the fact that she is in everyones face all the time-that-makes it look forced.

I also think that if i were to walk up on Megan at my local grocers sans her celeb status, without the hair, makeup and style people, she would still take my breath away.

What saddens me about Megan is the fact that I find her equally as beautiful if not more beautiful than Angelina. She has become someonewhat of a wannabe Angie, and there is only one Angie regarless of if we like her or not. You can't steal an elephant. I wish she would have come into the game as just her, the real Megan, and not desperatly wanting to be someone else. Which she does. The real Megan has so much potential.


Well-known member
She is beautiful and I agree with you she is a natural beauty.
But omigawd. The hair was monstrous. I kept staring at it everytime she was on screen in horror. Normally I gawk at her cause she's gorgeous. Not that night though..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luvsic

I'm going to get stoned for saying this, but...

her "sexiness" seems forced and artificial, and it's just something about her...I can't really put my finger on it. Also her recent magazine interviews have just kind of irked me. Personally, I prefer a more classic as opposed to sexy beauty, but that's just me
Not saying classic beauty can't be sexy, but it's just different...I'm too tired to explain it -_-

But anyway, back on topic, she be a hot mess at the MTV movie awards. Seriously. These comments are making me lol so badly.

I agree that some of her sexiness is forced. She's a stunning girl, and would be sexy any which way, but i feel that she tries SO hard to be sexy and even a little dirty and shocking. I dont dig that. Maybe that's just her, but when people are constantly talking about their sexuality or sex drive i think "Please. Who are you trying to impress?"
Thats the case with her I feel.


Well-known member
luvsic, I agree with some points you made! However I think that she's still a stunning girl. But for me, her personality nearly ruins it.

If you look for older pics of her, where she's wearing less makeup, lips not as plumped and she looks younger...she's totally stunning. She often wears way too much makeup but at the same time, I like her for it (I feel the same about Kim Kardashian).

Totally agree on the interviews! She once said that "sex kind of just oozes out of my pores" and I wanted to gag. She appears to be extremely self absorbed, so once I heard that I stopped reading about her. Again, kind of how I feel about Kim K! I love that she is not afraid to wear a ton of makeup but her personality turns me off most of the time. So I prefer to look at pictures and leave it at that

Mabelle, ITA!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luvsic

I'm going to get stoned for saying this, but...

Megan Fox, to me, never struck me as as striking as people make her out to be. I can't deny that she's attractive and definitely oozes sex appeal, but to me her "sexiness" seems forced and artificial, and it's just something about her...I can't really put my finger on it. Also her recent magazine interviews have just kind of irked me. Personally, I prefer a more classic as opposed to sexy beauty, but that's just me
Not saying classic beauty can't be sexy, but it's just different...I'm too tired to explain it -_-

But anyway, back on topic, she be a hot mess at the MTV movie awards. Seriously. These comments are making me lol so badly.

i so agree with you.i really did try to embrace her sex appeal but it seems to staged if that makes sense.i can't explain it you.but her hair looks like it's going bald.


Well-known member
Didn't Megan say she had a lesbian affair with a stripper? You know millions of guys all over the world had instant boners after hearing that. I agree, her sexuality is in your face, like Angelina. I think Angelina is edgier and grittier than Megan.

Also, if I had a face like Megan's I'd be rocking an edgy, short pixie cut... not the generic pretty girl long wavy hair. I know that's her "image" but I think she could pull of short hair.


Well-known member
Well, I think all us Women can feel a lot better about ourselves. Some days even Megan Fox looks like crap lol!


Well-known member
Back from a wedding! Phew that was a different story in itself, though.

Anyway, I agree with Shimmer, I think megan is prettiest when she's natural and not all done up.


Mabelle, that's what it was. I was trying to pinpoint what it was that kind of just made me go =/ about her but you hit the nail on the head.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think anyone can deny that she's good looking. I used to kind of like her. But now that she's getting showered with media attention, it almost seems like she's just doing things for attention (some of the things she says are disgusting and sometimes downright rude, especially how she insults other celebrities.) She seems very self absorbed (not confident, there's a difference), and that, to me, isn't pretty. I guess it's true when they say personality can change how you perceive a person in terms of attractiveness.

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