Melt Cosmetics


Well-known member
I keep telling myself I don't need the Dark Matter stack, but I know I'm going to end up getting it! I was expecting them to both sell out fast, I think it's awesome that they made plenty of them!


Well-known member
I had a feeling they was going to bring dark room back its okay and 666 I cb it I don't need a bu of either only worn darkroom once and swatched 666


Well-known member
I got bored last night and decided to play around with my Melt lippies. I figured I'd post the photos here.


Well-known member
love it! 
You are slaying Bane! Love it!
I love alllll of these on you!! They really need to hurry up at restock DGAF, Blow and Spacecake. They've been on my list for forever and I'd love to grab 'em when Dark Room is restocked!
Thank you ladies!! :heart:
You are rocking all of them beautifully! Is that DGAF from the last release? I wish mine was that color.
Thank you! And it's from the first release. I agree that they did change the color a little, but I'm sure it still looks great on you!