Melt Cosmetics

Dolly Snow

NoOd is everything!!!
Sigh, I don't like how they look on me, will have to try and sell them. Here's nood and laced on nc20-ish.
Love these on you
I love catsuit wayyyyyy better then av
It is a beauty!


Well-known member
Thanks everyone! However, something seems "off" for me lol, then my mom saw laced and said "oh thats ugly" lol thanks mom. They smell good though and I love the texture!
they look good on you. 
I think they both look good on you.
Agreed! Love these on you It is a beauty!
^ Wot she said. They may not be your cup of tea but I think they look great on you, especially Laced.


Well-known member
Ughhhhhhhh, I think they kind of look perfect on you. I am trying to figure out why you are not seeing what I see. But when you have expectations about something and they don't quite meet up to them, then that can be a bit deflating. They really do look great on you.


Well-known member
I've been searching the internet for all kinds of swatches and in the end I just ordered Catsuit. I can settle for Stone by Mac and Nood keeps calling me, but I feel like it would be a disaster on me.

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
I'm still debating on this set but if anyone is up to sell what they not feeling I could be persuaded **cue Mr. Burns hand gesture** I've never had melt before so I dnt know of the consistency n wear of em but the swatches looks gorge!! dnt know if I want everything but catsuit or just take em all. I feel like I can definitely mix Sext w/nood or ombre it w/catsuit..uggggh such a toughy esp since I want dark matter stack...what's a gal to doooooooooooooo


Well-known member
Well, damn. This is gorgeous.
Omg you should see the face I'm making. FM, AV and Catsuit all look the same to me except Catsuit is more matte looking. Jeez.
Yes it is! I have to play with Nood tomorrow (lips not up to it tonight).
FN and Catsuit are a little richer in color than AV and Catsuit is more matte!

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