Menstrual Cramps.


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Quote: this is my topic

I have problems with menstruation all my life.
It hurts, it is boring, it makes me go crazy.
So i am experimenting with everything (of course I still take a pill, but I am trying to use it as less as possible)...
I realized few things that might help you (it helped me to decrease the pain):

1. Eat as less as possible (first 2 days when you probably have strongest cramps) or eat something that won't push your digestion
2. Drink chamomile (hope you like it because it is really good)
3. Lay down as much as you can (if you don't have to go to work or you have this possibility - don't waste it) and of course, warm yourself (even when you are sitting put something around you)
4. Masturbation - when you can and how you can
5. Do things that relax you (for me it is watching movies)
6. Sleep as much as you can (what else will you do??)
7. Keep in mind that this is happening not because you are sick, but because you are healthy.

Good luck to all of us

I have bad cramps too like all of you gorgeous unfortunate ladies. I am only 17 so I out don't know about asking my doctor for birth control pills. If anyone knows how that would work let me know. For now I will use Ankica's methods :)


New member
If birth control is not an option (as many hormonal methods may not be for some women), and you dont feel like walking around with a heating pad, buy a T.E.N.S machine!
they are the size of a cellphone with little pads you stick on your skin. they send an electric pulse through your body to shut off the pain gate without any need for meds. They are used in hospitals here in the UK for chronic pain management and are also available to buy. I know they work like crazy because I had to have an induced miscarriage recently (long story) and the cramps (which are similar to labour pains) were wiped out with the t.e.n.s - this is where all other pain killing methods had failed me as well. you just put it on under your clothes and can get on with things. Changed my life!


Well-known member
I get awful cramps and migraines with each period. Right now, my gyn has me on birth control to where I only have one or two periods a year. The cramps are still pretty bad, but they're not nearly as bad as without birth control, and since changing to having only one or two periods a year, the migraines have changed to bad headaches. Most importantly, though, I only have to deal with it once or twice a year, and since my periods are so infrequent, I can arrange when I do have my period, so I can make sure I can have my period when it's going to be more convenient for me (like, when I don't have to leave the house for four or five straight days, so I don't have to do anything while I'm on my period).

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