I received my first order today - a good $30 worth of samples - and I have to say, my initial impressions are very good. I ordered on Thanksgiving (due to Phyrra blogging a promo code) and knew they wouldn't be getting those orders ready until December 1st thanks to an announcement on the site - well, needless to say I wasn't expecting my order already on the 4th.
I thought it was very cute how the samples all came in a little leopard print bag. It's one of those very distinctive things that help you remember a company.
I also took note of the invoice - I always like a hand-written thank you, but it made me feel good about my order and the company itself to see that two different people signed off on my invoice as having checked my order.
I nabbed a bunch of colors from the Holiday 2009 collections, Merry Mayhem, 12 Pains, and some Ghosts of Christmas Past shades as well, and there's a lot of really pretty colors. I gravitated towards the cool colors, greens/blues/purples, and I didn't even wind up with colors duplicate to what I already have. Considering that everytime I branch out from my favored MMU I wind up with dupes, copycats, and repacks, I'm pretty thrilled about receiving completely unique colors from Meow.
I cannot wait to use these babies, I'm very excited.