Merry Christmas!


Well-known member
At the risk of sounding politically incorrect, Merry Christmas all! This year, have had difficulty getting into the Christmas spirit, lot of changes in my life. Hoping that by spreading the good vibes, maybe I'll start feeling the Christmas spirit.



Well-known member
Merry Christmas to you too!

I haven't felt the christmas spirit this year either. I was like The Grinch. Then I had a Christmas party yesterday and I just felt so blessed to have people around me that care for me and that I care about. They might not be close to my age but they care about me and got me so many thoughtful gifts to show their appreciation. It just warmed my heart and I didn't even know what to say. I just started a new second job as well, and I was at work today and one of the girls handed me a gift. I was just taken by surprise because I've only been there for a week and a half and it was so thoughtful of her. She didn't have to do that. I just feel like this motivates me to be an even better person and to do little things like that for people. Its like this Christmas actually turned out to be really great...not about the presents but just about the kind words and generosity that was shown towards me. Especially because I didn't feel as though I deserved it.


Well-known member
merry christmas everyone!!!!

*it is never not politically correct to wish merry christmas in my book*