Mickey's Graduation Party


Well-known member
Saturday was a very special day for me. It was my party to celebrate graduation from the University of Washington with a Bachelor's of Science in Earth and Space Sciences: Biology Option. Nikki wanted to host a party for me, and I thought of what I'd want most. I don't like big gatherings or the bar/club scene, and decided bringing my three best friends (Jenny, Holly and Nikki) to a beach or forest would make me happiest. Jenny suggested a beach bbq, which was a great idea. I chose Saltwater State Park as the beach, since it's where my dad always brought me as a kid.

Jenny was instrumental in shopping for the bbq, as I had no idea what would be required. Everyone was a big help paying for food and supplies, and we made it to the beach with no problems. Except that we forgot lighter fluid and charcoal, but Jenny saved the day with a trip to some gas stations while the rest of us found a table. We got one far away from the populated area, with a great view of the water and a forest behind us. We even saw a raccoon in the underbrush. Everyone got along well and the meal was tasty- beef kabobs, salmon, ceasar salad, French bread and a fruit tray. We each had a pound of beef(!), but only Nikki managed to finish hers. Jenny's dog Scooter got one of my beef chunks and a few of hers. He had a great time too- running over rocks and jumping down ledges. Holly found a jellyfish and spited many an anemone. By getting Nikki out of her city environment, I was the more secure adventurous one for once.
Jenny and I went furthest out, into the area where my dad and I used to go.


That's (left to right) Jenny, Holly and Nikki.

After coming back to Seattle, Jenny and I had some emotional and intellectual conversations- we connect on so many levels. Later that night I joined Holly for a walk with liquor around the city, which was also quite entertaining.

My friends gave me the best party I've had! *hugs*

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I'm very happy for you. There is nothing better than spending time doing what you enjoy with close friends.


Well-known member
Nice!! yea, sometimes just chillin' with your friends is just as good as partying with them