

Well-known member
I bought my prom dress tonight, and it all feels really surreal. I can't believe high school is almost over already..Anyone have any tips on how to enjoy senior year to the fullest, or any prom stories (I love them)?


Well-known member
I would just go to as many functions as I could and take pictures. Make friends. Keep all of it in a scrapbook. You will never forget it for the rest of your life. Don't allow any controlling boyfriends talk you out of going to functions. If you do that, you will regret it forever.


Well-known member
Ugh. I absolutely hated high school. I actually had more fun in 10th and 11th grade than in my senior year. I got senioritis in OCTOBER of my senior year....I couldn't wake up, I didn't feel like going to school, I left early almost every day, I skipped half of my classes. It was just gay. But thats just me...and to be honest, I hardly liked anyone I went to school with.

My prom was great though. I felt gorgeous. It was my first and last prom, me and my boyfriend danced the night away. It was great. Take a lot of pictures, don't get into any drama at prom (or throughout the year for that matter) and just have fun. Remember that after your graduate its going to be either:
*College full time
*work work work at least one job, maybe more
*moving out, bills, and all that good stuff.


Well-known member
I'm right there with CantAffordMac...I rarely made it to school senior year, ironically it was the year that I got some kick-ass grades. Go figure. Anyway, I throughly enjoyed my senior year & since I was 18 I left when I pleased
I have to say that my prom was pretty overrated...part of it was where it was located, and that I had to work early the next morning. My advice is just to make sure you get your work done/projects turned in before slacking off & have as much fun as possible!


Well-known member
I had 2 classes senior year b/c I already had all of my credits and you had to take English & Government senior year no matter what so I left at 9:45 daily lol. Like an above poster I had more fun earlier in high school. I will say though...if you feel anything for anyone or want to make up for something that happened to a friendship, do it. I went to school with my current bf since middle school and liked him a lot in h.s. but I was dating this other guy. Little did I know, he liked me too and we could've done this a long time ago. We could have gone to prom and all kinds of stuff. Almost 1 yr after graduation (with a random call here and there every few months) we finally started hanging out. We click like nobody's business and we're perfect together. Anyway, I guess my point is just not to let anything get in your way of enjoying yourself and your friends. Be open-minded and don't spend all of your time stressing about the future or you won't enjoy yourself as much. HAVE FUN!


Well-known member
Man, senior prom...the memories, or lack there of. I was only at my senior prom for 30 minutes. My bf's (now husband) fraternity's formal was the same night...and alcohol was being served. Someone managed to steal wrist-bands for those of us underage, and, well, you do the math (not that I'm suggesting anyone underage go out and get drunk...very, very bad

Just have lots of fun, let loose and take tons of pictures. As for school, relax, but not too still have to graduate, lol! You're in the home-stretch now!


Well-known member
Hm... advice? Bring your own digital camera if you have one. The company we hired to take our photos had bad film that night an everything came out VERY blurry. Thank goodness we had taken before and after photos with awesome resolution.
Story to go with prom: We were actually at the tallest building in the city and there are two sets of elevators the first is 1 to about the 60th floor I want to say, and the second set is the 60 on up. I think our dance was on the 70th floor and we had an entire view of the city when the clouds gave way. But the best view of the city was from the girl's bathroom! There was a line of boys waiting to get into the bathroom to get the go ahead from the girls and to see the view.
All of our teachers had also threatened to bring drug strips to the dance but figured they wouldn't need it because at a higher altitude is is much easier to see the effects of very little! ^_^;
My friend's mom is a chef so she made us our dinner and desert and talked to a limo driver friend of hers into giving us a discount car ride and after the dance was over, we drove around the city before the limo "turned into a pumpkin" or so he told us! We went to our favorite hang outs in the city and then drove home.
I really liked it because even though the pictures came out less than satisfactory, there were so many other things that made it fun: it was my first time getting highlights in my hair, I love designing my hair for dances (which I had some say in), and unlike my junior prom, I made my entire dress (for junior prom I made 1/2 of it).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Don't allow any controlling boyfriends talk you out of going to functions. If you do that, you will regret it forever.


and if you want to go to college, don't let your grades slip. alot of seniors do because they're so close to the end and sometimes get the infamous senioritis (i got it when i was ending my sophomore year haha!) so watch out for that if you have plans for higher education.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
-Keep up with your studies. Your grades do count.
-If you are going to college immediately, make sure your apps are complete and on time. Call colleges, check the online stuff, make sure you file your fin aid on time.
-Take time to take photos of things and people
-Don't put too much expectation in one night. It is prom, enjoy it, but don't expect it to be something it's probably not going to be.
-If you decide to drink, lose your virginity, whatever on prom night, BE SMART. Make sure you have a designated driver or plan on staying in a hotel near the prom. If you decide you wish to lose your virginity that night, have birth control and be sure that's what you want to do.
-While trips and big things are fun, the little moments like a good conversation with your best friend is worthwhile.