Originally Posted by cupcake_x
Maybe if she had an ounce of talent I'd be a little sympathetic. But when you're talentless and always getting into ridiculous things, uh uh.
That being said, I don't really understand how this could equal a law-suit. It's offensive and stupid, yes, but I don't really understand how that is law suit material.
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
i can see it being offensive but i do not think it is necessary to file a law suit. i do not like her but do not think this "scandal" should ruin her (I would be more concerned with her older boyfriend, wtf is that all about???)
Originally Posted by MissResha
they're suing her for $4billion because she pulled her eyes?
I can guarantee that this lawsuit will go absolutely nowhere, it is crazy. But hypothetically speaking, if it did hold any merit, Miley would have to pay $4,000 to each Asian person in the city of LA I think it was. That's why it would total up to be 4 billion dollars. Again it's crazy and not going to happen. But it did bring this whole picture and situation to light though to the public. It maybe why the woman tried to go through with the lawsuit.
Even if this incident didn't happen, I'm not sure why her career ISN'T already ruined or heading down that path very quickly. She's been involved in way too many scandals. And yeah the whole moving in with her 21 year old bf thing (correct me if I'm wrong. I had heard about it in a video on youtube from Asathecomic) is insane. Again where are the parents?! Probably spending their little girl's money and sailing in some fancy yacht somewhere. She needs to be more concerned not only for her career but her life. It's very easy for things to get out of control especially when there is absolutely no one there guiding you.
Originally Posted by mizuki~
I can't stand her and I was a bit offended by that pic but I do think that suing her for the pic is a little much. The slanty eye pic can be very offensive though and it doesn't matter if there's an Asian kid in the picture or not...As a celebrity, a lot of young kids look up to Miley and I would hate if they saw that pic and thought it was okay to do slanty eye thing to an Asian kid in school or something. I grew up with plenty of slanty eyed jokes and trust me, it was NOT fun.
Also..this reminds me of the picture of that basketball team who all did the slanty eye picture for the olympics.
Totally agree with everything you said! Ugh, the memories
I still remember the Olympics incident, again not fun.