Mini CCO and blog sale hauls.


Well-known member
I made a trip to the York UK CCO/CCS on my way to Whitby this week, and although there wasn't a large amount available I did manage to pick up a few things I'd been after.

- 6 Beauties Play It Cool Palette
- Shimmermoss e/s
- Gulf Stream e/s
- Gold Stroke pigment
- Old Gold pigment
- Moonlight Night pigment
- Later pigment
- Winkle e/s pro pan
- Adoring carmine mini eye brush set

I've also accumulated a few things from various blog sales over the last few weeks (with more due to arrive in the post).

- Mac Liquid Lurex l/s
- Mac Playing Koi l/s
- Mac Viva Glam Gaga I l/s
- Mac Viva Glam Cyndi l/s
- Mac Tone: Grey quad
- Elf quad containing Mac Trax de-pot, Contrast de-pot, and Deep Truth de-pot. Not actually sure what the gold pot is, though my closest approximation is maybe a pressed piggie (old gold, perhaps?).
- Mac Hello Kitty Lucky Tom quad.
- Mac Roman Holiday l/g
- Mac Corn shadestick
- Mac Gentle Lentil shadestick
- Mac Lucky Jade shadestick
- YSL quad
- Mac Viva Glam V



Well-known member

Thanks. I looove cyndi. I'm too chicken to wear a bright/matte red, so it's lovely to find a more subtle one to ease me in, lol. Shame it was LE, really.


Well-known member
Nice haul....I wish I had a CCO near me :-( Probably better that I don't thought because I'd be so broke *haha*


Well-known member
Some more things I've picked up from various swaps and blog sales (plus one Surf Baby purchase):

Mac palette, and pans/depots:
- All That Glitters
- Old Gold pressed piggie
- Lucky Green
- Strike a Pose
- Deep Truth
- Trax
- Parfait Amour
- Contrast
- Nocturnelle
- Violet Trance
- Winkle
- Prussian

I'm going to need another palette or two if I depot all my Mac shadows (and I think I'm going to... this is far easier for storage).

Shaowdy Lady Quad
Birds & Berries from LoL
Gilt By Association MES
She Who Dares MES

- Quietly
- Pinked Mauve
- Reflects Blackened Red
- Circa Plum
- Antique Green

- Baroque Boudoir
- Brave Red
- Kanga Rouge
- Hibiscus
- Vegas Volt
- Ravishing
- Brave New Bronze


Well-known member
What a great haul! Wow Hibiscus and Vegas Volt look so similar in that picture...I've been lusting after Hibiscus but maybe I should skip it? Do you find them similar, or is hibiscus a little more red? [I'm hoping]


Well-known member
What a great haul! Wow Hibiscus and Vegas Volt look so similar in that picture...I've been lusting after Hibiscus but maybe I should skip it? Do you find them similar, or is hibiscus a little more red? [I'm hoping]

They swatch really similarly on my arm, but Hibiscus is definitely more reddy than Vegas Volt on lips. Quick, messy swatches:

Hope that's helpful.


Well-known member
Oh that's so nice thank you so much! Wow that color is so gorgeous on....Vegas Volt is a tad too orange on me I suppose, yet another excuse to pick up if there weren't enough.

Thanks again!!


Well-known member
Yeah, I really want to love Vegas Volt but it's a little too orangey for me too. I think I'm too pale to make it work. Hibiscus is gorgeous, though, definitely worth getting. Looks really nice as a thin wash of colour over lip balm, too.


Well-known member
i love your hauls! i'm envious you found a lady gaga I lipstick. but so very pretty!