miscarriage any advice?


Well-known member
Sorry for your lost dear. Hope you feel better.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Girl about town
Hey folks had a hard few days, i found out i was pregnant last friday and estimated i must be about 5 weeks, i was going away all week so hadn't seen my doc yet but had a positive pregnancy test one of the digital ones, my fiance and i were over the moon and went off on our week long holiday, all through the week i had brown discharge like the start of a period then last night i had fresh red blood and long stringy brown clots (sorry too much information) i went to my Gp today and she felt my stomach and did a preg test and it came back negative
.... i was so shocked i went home and took a further digital test and it said not pregnant. I had all the pregnancy symptoms and now they have all disappeared. My doc says i have had an early miscarriage. I am absolutley devastated!!! I am also confused that my hormone levels have dropped so quickly.
Anyway guess i am just looking for some kind words or for someone to share their experiences with me .

Originally Posted by pdtb050606
First of all I would like to say I am so sorry for what you are going through. I myself am going through almost the same thing right now. I know the emotions are like a roller coaster ride, and I can't say there is a right or wrong way to handle things-it's a horrible thing to have to deal with. My husband & I found out and we too were completely overjoyed, and then a week later we were told that it was an ectopic pregnancy and I would need to take a shot to clear it out of my system. I also had the brown discharge but my hcg levels were going up but just not at a steady rate. So I had the shot last Thurs, and now my levels are dropping at a "good" rate. I haven't had any of the other things happen such as clotting or spotting. We weren't trying for a baby so I keep trying to think that this was just something to show us how bad we wanted one without even knowing it. Just like Joey ^ said try and think of this as your body's way of not allowing you to go through an unhealthy pregnancy. I am trying to be positive but I realize it is just my way of coping b/c actually I am a wreck on the inside, so I TOTALLY get it. Please feel free to PM me for any reason at all. Again I am so sorry you have to go through this.

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss!
& will keep both of you in my prayers.


My heart breaks for you. My first 3 pregnancies were all miscarriages. The first 2 were at 14 and 11 weeks. The last one was at 6 weeks. This was all in the span of less than 2 years. I would get pregnant right away, but the embryo would not stay. My doctor decided to give me progesterone to help the embryo stick to my uterus. Guess what? It worked.

I have a beautiful 5 year old daughter now
. She is full of life and always happy. Once you have your child (and I am sure you will), you will soon forget about everything you are going through right now. I will pray for you.

Girl about town

Well-known member
Thanks for all your lovely replies it means so much to me!!!

Weeelllllll!!!! miscarried 4 weeks ago was due my period a few days a go and it never came, Took a test today and it was positive WOW!!!! Im completely in shock, didn't expect it so happen so quickly, im so scared as well in case it happens again, every little twinge in my back im completely paranoid!!!
Sooo happy but fingers crossed everything goes well!!!!


Well-known member
Oh wow! I truly wish you the best and I'll keep you in my thoughts for a healthy pregnancy. Im sure you must have guarded excitement at this time, but just stay positive and take care of yourself and hopefully we will be reading more about you and your little one in the future.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Girl about town
Thanks for all your lovely replies it means so much to me!!!

Weeelllllll!!!! miscarried 4 weeks ago was due my period a few days a go and it never came, Took a test today and it was positive WOW!!!! Im completely in shock, didn't expect it so happen so quickly, im so scared as well in case it happens again, every little twinge in my back im completely paranoid!!!
Sooo happy but fingers crossed everything goes well!!!!

WOW I'm so happy for you. See I told you that it'll happen again when you least expect it. Just take it easy there. I will pray that you can have this one. Keep us posted girly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Girl about town
Thanks for all your lovely replies it means so much to me!!!

Weeelllllll!!!! miscarried 4 weeks ago was due my period a few days a go and it never came, Took a test today and it was positive WOW!!!! Im completely in shock, didn't expect it so happen so quickly, im so scared as well in case it happens again, every little twinge in my back im completely paranoid!!!
Sooo happy but fingers crossed everything goes well!!!!

Oh my gosh!! Congratulations! Everything will be fine this time around....Enjoy your pregnancy!

glassy girl

Well-known member
Well i had a loss about a month ago i was almost 5 month pregnate and we got 2 hold my lilttle baby. It was the worst thing that happen 2 me but GOD got me tru it. May GOD bless u in this pregnacy i will b praying 4 u Good luck!!


Well-known member
OMG Yaaay! Aww, sweetie, I was crying my eyes out, and felt my heart breaking while I read this, until I got to your last post...I had the very same thing happen to me; I was pregnant, miscarried, and then the very next cycle I should've had never came, and I found out I was pregnant again. I was terrified, and I'm sure you're nervous, too, but a little less than 8 months after I found out I was preggo again, I was holding my baby boy in my arms. He even stayed warm and cozy in my belly for an extra day, just to prove to me that he was finished cooking in there...he wasn't coming out even an HOUR early. Hehe. Congratulations sweetie!
Happy and healthy pregnancy to you...


Wishing you the best of luck with your pregnancy.

I miscarried a few years back. It was just a numbing experience for me. We had just come to the realization that we were expecting and then I miscarried at work. I was only a few weeks along but had some complications. We've been hesitant to actually try. We've been discussing it more and more lately and I think we might be ready.

Girl about town

Well-known member
Hey guys thank you for your lovely replies, over the moon now!!! And the anxiety is getting better, Was sent for an early scan last week and got to see my babies heartbeat on the ultrasound!!!
Feel so much better now!!! have so many more hurdles but feel a bit stronger to deal with things!! Just need to deal with the sickness and tiredness lol.

Feel so blessed things happened so quickly. xxxx


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Girl about town
Hey guys thank you for your lovely replies, over the moon now!!! And the anxiety is getting better, Was sent for an early scan last week and got to see my babies heartbeat on the ultrasound!!!
Feel so much better now!!! have so many more hurdles but feel a bit stronger to deal with things!! Just need to deal with the sickness and tiredness lol.

Feel so blessed things happened so quickly. xxxx

Being sick and tired of being sick and tired...LOL I know those feelings...but they're all worth it. Keep us posted, I'm so happy for you!

Oh, by the way, I don't know if you're already on there or not, but while I was preggo, my saving grace was the pregnancy boards on WebMD. They've got 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester boards, and they really came in handy for me, especially when things were happening that I didn't understand...it helps keep you from going crazy, wondering about stuff. Plus all the girls are very sweet, and since they're all in the same boat as you, no one will ever think you're nuts.