Originally Posted by Girl about town
Hey guys thank you for your lovely replies, over the moon now!!! And the anxiety is getting better, Was sent for an early scan last week and got to see my babies heartbeat on the ultrasound!!!
Feel so much better now!!! have so many more hurdles but feel a bit stronger to deal with things!! Just need to deal with the sickness and tiredness lol.
Feel so blessed things happened so quickly. xxxx
Being sick and tired of being sick and tired...LOL I know those feelings...but they're all worth it. Keep us posted, I'm so happy for you!
Oh, by the way, I don't know if you're already on there or not, but while I was preggo, my saving grace was the pregnancy boards on WebMD. They've got 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester boards, and they really came in handy for me, especially when things were happening that I didn't understand...it helps keep you from going crazy, wondering about stuff. Plus all the girls are very sweet, and since they're all in the same boat as you, no one will ever think you're nuts.