Misplacing makeup.

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Well-known member
Hey everyone. I'm having a hard time finding my makeup and brushes because I'm always misplacing them. So any advice on organization?



Well-known member
I would definately reccomend you doing this little enkore sephora inspired project.

YouTube - Sephora Inspired Brush Holder

And i would get a small plastic basket from target something that looks like this.

And place all your used brushes and there if your in a rush or feel too lazy to put them back in their original places. I would buy several and place them in the spots where you tend to apply your makeup such as the bathroom and bedroom, and always remember to put them in or near the plastic basket. So if you misplace something they will be the first place you look.

Also do you put on your makeup at different spots in the house? Or do you take some of them out with you for touch ups?
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