mixing foundations


Well-known member
i was wondering how many of you muas mix your own foundation for when you do makeup shoots. well, i guess, im wondering if you learned in school or just started playing around wiht it. does anyone have any vids or any insight about it? do any of you just buy the lightest foundation in a certain formula and the darkest and then just use that to mix?
thank you in advance for any info you can give!


Well-known member
im usually an nc15 but if i get a bit tanned or whatever im between an nc15 and nc20.. so i just mix a bit of the nc20 in with it on the back of my hand or whatever. i dont think it would be a great idea to get the lightest and darkest, but rather 2 foundations close to your skin. it would be easier to get a better match i think. im no expert though!


Well-known member
I use Select coverup as foundation for clients and can easily thin it out with moisturizer. Since it is easy to mix, I have about 4 shades of NC and 4 shades of NW and mix them to get the right match. It is also more compact to carry.


Well-known member
I almost always custom mix foundation to get the right shade for a client - either Face & Body, Full Coverage or a mix of both together. I'll even mix iridescent powders into foundations to give more 'depth'.

Mixing means I don't need every shade in every product and can vary the opacity as required.


Well-known member
I learned just by trial and error I am NC45 mainly but tend to need a little Warmer balance so a NW43 does the trick ... evenly apply the NC45 in Studio Tech then lightly brush my face with NW43 Studio Finish


I ALWAYS mix my own foundations on shoots. I always like to match the skin tone EXACTLY on the outside of the models face and then go 2 shades darker on the inside....well blended of course. I don't want you to have a picture of a model with a target like face...hahaha.

When I started building my kit I got a 2 of the lightest shades, 2 of the medium shades and 2 of the darkest shades and mixed from there.

REally, it's all trial and error, see what works best for you.



Well-known member
I have an ivory coloured foundation and a very dark one that i add to the foundations if i need to.


Well-known member
I can never, ever find the right shade of foundation and always mix mine (a medium tan and a pale-yellow toned ivory). For my kit I have three shades - light ivory, medium tan and a sort of dark fudge brown. It's possible to mix for most skintones with those three shades, though I will be purchasing a darker base soon.