Mod look for fair skin?


Well-known member
I like the updated mod look that is popular right now. There have been several FOTDs of it lately, and I guess the look on the Amuse postcard is similar. I tried to do it using the A Muse look on the MAC website, and I looked so bad!! I didn't buy Persona/Screen Vinyl, but I duped it using White pigment and Black Tied. Those shades were so weird and harsh on my skin. I can wear black eyeliner (and I often do
) but white and silvery shades just look bad on me. What are some alternate shades I could use for a similar look that is more flattering? For reference I am NW15, blue eyes, red hair.



Well-known member
When I want to do a deep dark look/smokey eye/heavily colored eye I try and spice it up by using purple instead of black or even a dark green. If you use MAC, think like Humid for green and grape pigment for purple - for example.

Or if the black is too much, try using grey. I know you said silver looks bad, but try a matter grey if the sparkle of the silver is too much.


Well-known member
Thanks, that's a good tip. I usually do a smokey eye with either bronze or a smokey plum like Embark. I guess I could use Embark to draw that exaggerated crease line. I really don't look good in lighter purples though (I'm weird, I know). Do you think a light gold or taupe would be a good lid shade?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Rockell
Thanks, that's a good tip. I usually do a smokey eye with either bronze or a smokey plum like Embark. I guess I could use Embark to draw that exaggerated crease line. I really don't look good in lighter purples though (I'm weird, I know). Do you think a light gold or taupe would be a good lid shade?

I think gold and bronze are hot with hazel eyes and have been known to make eyes 'pop' so I think that's a great choice.

I've never done much with browns and purples combined, I usually only uses browns/neutrals with eachother, haha. Sometimes with a little black, like Carbon.


Well-known member
The trick to this is to do really big "doe eyes" with a pale lip - you might want to look at a fluidline in Nightfish or Graphic Brown or Macroviolet instead of Blacktrack to pull it off.
Google images of Edie Sedgewick for inspiration.


Well-known member
Yes, I absolutely adore Edie Sedgwick (and did before it become trendy recently, grr...).


Well-known member
If white and silver look odd on your skin, switch over to bone colours instead. They'll still look pale, but won't be as harsh. Shroom is a good standby, but my HG bone colour at the moment is Sunseed.


Well-known member
2nd laras thought!

One of the coolest thing about the mod look was that you can see with different people of the mod decade the different eyeshadows they wore. Some wore a bluish color, some wore bone, some wore the stark white, some wore taupe, some even wore lilac!

I would recommend using a bone color from lashline to crease (like Shroom)

Then using a taupe (or Mulch) in the crease like they do on the AMUSE website and then use black eyeliner and black mascara


Well-known member
I think Lara hit the nail on the head suggesting neutrals. Think Naked lunch with lashings of mascara and liner, accompanied by Nude/ Pale lips. Add a bit of flush to the cheeks to wake the whole look up. It's amazing how blush can make a difference when using starker shades.

Maybe even consider splashing out on some fake fluttery lashes.