i didn't read all the replies yet, buuut if it hasn't been mentioned before: take a friend to shoots, someone you trust. some photographers are supercreeps and you don't want to be alone with someone like that. if you ask to being a friend and they tell you they'd rather you not, DO NOT SHOOT WITH THEM.
modelmayhem is a great place to start, it's good to see a photographer's portfolio before you shoot with them to kind of get a feel for their artistic vision. that way you'll know beforehand kind of what they're going to be asking of you. reputable photographers will have their terms listed on their site and will probably have you sign a contract outlining allowable uses of the photos produced.
it's a good idea to get the photos on cd so that you can edit them (or take them to an editor you trust) and have them printed the way you want. you're going to want all of your portfolio photos to be cropped to the same size, and you should put them in your portfolio in a visually appealing manner. there are professionals out there who can make your photos into a stunning portfolio that will be hard for any agency to not take notice of...
pm me or myspace me if you have any questions, lover.