More fake pigments....


Well-known member
Gosh, i read the title and thought they were selling a full size pig for 2.99! Even the first slant (/) on the box is wrong compared to the second slant - fake sellers can do better than this! At least work for your money




Well-known member
I'm sorry, but how can you tell that those pigments are fake? I'm not expert, I thought they were real!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Devon
I'm sorry, but how can you tell that those pigments are fake? I'm not expert, I thought they were real!

One thing I learned about pigments right here on Specktra (among so many other tips) is to look at the base of the pigment jar. Look at the bottom, is very thick



Well-known member
Well done!

Originally Posted by red
One thing I learned about pigments right here on Specktra (among so many other tips) is to look at the base of the pigment jar. Look at the bottom, is very thick




Well-known member
[FONT=&quot]From whitneywonders a vile fake mac seller [/FONT]whitneywonders( 83) 94.6% Positive Feedback[FONT=&quot]:

I needed to vent about this seller. The photo clearly shows that the jar had a thick base (giveaway of fake jars), and the box is flawed (first slant / is different to the second slant), also the 'e' looks funny to me and the 'MAC' looks too thick, but that could just be me.
I reported these two auctions (not her other ones as i dont know about them and only report if i am certain that the seller is selling something they shouldnt be) - the seller is from the states (if GUAM is in the states? "
SHIPPING TO GUAM(OUTSIDE OF CONTINENTAL US) IS EXTRA AS STATED IN THE AUCTION" - this appears quite stalkerish on my part! lol, am up all night on cattery nightshift so i get bored...) so she shouldnt be selling MAC samples, the auction picture is not her own (evidence follows) and the photo is of fake MAC. Maybe im being very naïve, but I thought that if a seller was genuine and someone told them they were selling/had photos of fake pig then they would investigate it rather than attack the person accusing them - and i was going into it thinking they didnt know rather than being dishonest.

I accidently sent her a copy of what i sent one of the buyers of a sample which im happy about as the seller should see that i was writing to them out of concern for the buyer, and not as a personal attack on her (in bold so anyone reading this can skim, blue comments are added for this post - all messages sent are included here in full):

[/FONT]"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the pigment sample you bought off whitneywonders was most likely open to it being real fake (the picture in the auction is of an obviously (if you know what to spot) fake mac jar and box. I have reported them to ebay.

Please message me if you have any questions - you can still file a dispute on paypal if you paid by this method (if thats what you want to do), and the seller should pay for BOTH shipping charges (if they want it back) - you are not obliged to send it before a refund is awarded.
I have been victim to a fake seller aswell, and i dont recommend using unknown/very possibly unsafe makeup on skin least of all that on your eyes (if you have and nothing has happened then i guess it might be ok?).

Please see the following link as proof (a primarily MAC makeup forum site with many MAC makeup artists on - many facts that can help you in the future):

Sorry again"
[FONT=&quot] - (politeness - apparently the seller didnt think so though).

I also asked the seller this:

[/FONT]"Is the item in the picture the actual jar that you take samples from?

This is the reply i got:

[/FONT]"are you really confused as much as you appear?YOU SENT A WARNING MESSAGE TO ME ABOUT ME!!!!UH DUURRRR<NOT VERY INTELLIGENT AFTER ALL.(is uh duurrr an intelligent response lol?!) No it's not a fake & no I didn't take the pic.aside from that I've verified its an authentic MAC pigment by taking into a MAC MAKE UP ARTIST!!!!! (isnt this the typical BS claim made by fake sellers that get caught out?) BACK OFF & TRY TO HAVE ABSOLUTE PROOF BEFORE YOU ACCUSE!!!NOW I'll be reporting your FALSE CLAIMS & ACCUSATIONS TO EBAY,ba bye now darlin'!!!"

[FONT=&quot]Can you actually report someone for making'false claims'? It sounded like someone had got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and was pissed about it...
My POLITE (as i could be) response - i continue to give her the benefit of the doubt throughout - maybe she just has serious PMT...

"[/FONT]Taking pictures from other sellers is an offence and you can have all your auctions taken down/be suspended - the photos ARE of FAKE mac pigs, maybe you should take your own if you have REAL pigs. I didnt say the ones you were selling were fake i said the photo was of a fake product and this affects the likelyhood of the pigs authenticity. Maybe you should read more thoroughly in future. If you have proof that these are authentic why dont you send me a photo of the actual jar and box so i can see for myself or better yet put them up on the auction.
The photo was obviously of a counterfeit product - anyone with the real thing would be able to tell the difference, so maybe you didnt care, or are selling a product you are not familiar with (both a dodgy way to deal).
I dont mean offence if this was a genuine mistake through naivety, and you can find more info here:

There are many fake MAC pigs on ebay, and i dont think people appreciate how dangerous these can be seller seems not to think this is a honest reason why people question authenticity (many are not eyesafe and ingredients are unknown - potentially able to blind someone/cause sever reactions).
If you are a genuine seller you will understand this.
Oh and you are the star of a thread on the counterfeit MAC forum (i didnt put this up):

I hope this clears things up - just send me a photo of the pig jars in your possession and i will correct the forum posters (and you will get apologises, and have your name cleared on there, its happened with someone not knowing old pactaging before now - please dont get your back up about this if you are a real seller, thats a valuable forum for sellers/buyers of MAC and other makeup, and i would hate for a geniune mistake to affect your sales).
Message me if you need further info."

[FONT=&quot]Which gained this lovely message:

"[/FONT]i didn't "take another sellers"picture,it was given to me by a seller after deciding I didn't like this color.Again you're accusing before having all the facts & admitted the pic was of the one she bought and thats not proof? (or as much as possible without buying the damned thing...I'm the type of seller that wishes to share my good fortune w/others. Sound familiar? lol exactly what a VERY FAKE seller was BSing about, im not saying there linked Anything otherwise implied is false.I also care not if I'm the "star"of anyones forum as I know the truth,and funny how you're the only person whose ever even mentioned it to me.I read just fine,thanks.You seem to have a big bone you're knawing on & I seem to be it.....whatever.My conscience is doing dandy,my buyers seem fine as well.Funny cause this jar & box look EXACTLY like others I've bought both on ebay(by long time MAC makeup sellers) & at MAC counters.Ciao"

[FONT=&quot]My reply:
"[/FONT]Look carefully at the base of the jar - it is too thick, look at the box - the first slant (/) is different to the second slant... These faults do not appear on real MAC pigs - MAC doesnt sell on/give away factory seconds i thought this was correct, but am i wrong? - i shouldnt have wrote this as fact. The fact of the matter is if a person that isnt familiar with MAC and how fakes look, they will just see the brand name and the fact that you are in the USA and think its safe. Many sellers with 300+ - thousands of positive are known to sell fakes - feedback is of little indication.

You are a vile seller and im kind of glad you have been sold fake MAC the first time i got ratty with her and her ignorance, admittedly i should not have been so judgemental and treated it FULLY that she was a duped seller/had real product but fake pic...
You have bought fake MAC (see
beuty4you is known for being a fake seller as far as i know she didnt spot this as fake
chrisweible06 fake tan pig (though you didnt receive this) she didnt spot this fake from the pic HAS JAR AND BOX LIKE HER PIC
swoosh_uk - well known for fake MAC (as you spotted) She spotted this as it was numbered without colour name
fanny_kaka9898 (which you spotted) She thought it was fake as there was no colour label on product or box (though if im right in thinking labels CAN fall off, but both falling off is v suspect...) HAS JAR AND BOX LIKE HER PIC

I was trying to help you but alas you do not deserve it!" Too harsh maybe?

Whilst i was writing this she sent a message:

"[FONT=Arial, Verdana]well the funniest thing is even after registering there I'm unable to get to that thread,& can't even find it listed in the forum topics i gave her direct links, do you need to register for these?,nor anything topics about counterfiets. There is an entire section dedicated to this topic I tried changing the pic.was not able to & honestly I did a bit of research,that pic looks very much like any other on ebay & for that reason I'm not changing it....I compared the jar & box as I said to other boxes & jars(which were bought at a MAC counter here on Guam)they are exactly the same.So your so called"obvios fake"comment is very invalid,& unsubstantial.However I would like to see whjat's written about me,if it's any of my buyers I'll deal w/them,find out the issue & find a way to resolve any problems as I learn of them.I'm not naive about MAC pigments,pan refills,mix mediums,shadow pots,& a few studio fix products.As you know nothing of m e nor my experience it was an uncalled for comment.You seem a very jumpy & judgemental person.I doubt you care a bit about me,but seem a dog w/a bone.That ewas a metaphor by the way not an insult."aww the sweety![/FONT]

My response:
"[FONT=Arial, Verdana]Received this after the last message i sent (maybe i was a tad harsh), but im trying to get you to see that i am not attacking you - im trying to prevent you and your customers from either buying counterfeit (if a buyer spots it it will be negative to you/ you dont want to put fake mac by eyes!) or prevent people from seeing the pic in your auction and knowing its fake. I would probably had a better go at explaining this had i not accidently sent the wrong message...I was/am geniunely trying to help you as i dont like to see both the SELLER and the buyer conned - but you seem very defensive which got my back up. I apologise if i sounded like i was accusing you or was judgemental, but i have lost quite a bit of money through dishonest sellers, and have seen it happen to unsuspecting people on here too many times before. It is wonderful if you are authentic (not many of those on here now - MAC samples are banned from being sold).
If you want to see the forum (i recommended it primarily so that you can get valuable info as to spot fakes so that you YOURSELF are not conned, and you can gain buyer trust): - scroll down to MAC chat and click, then scroll to Counterfeit MAC (4th down).
All of us on there are very willing to help you, and if you have a question or worry dont hesitate to ask. Its worth signing up (its free). that is a nice comment right?
Lets call a truce eh? I think we both have valid points but we need to see the other persons side - and that no one is the enemy...
Any questions dont hesitate to contact me - i do actually care about the MAC sellers and buyers on here!
[/FONT]" I dont know why i bothered to apologise...

Replied with:
"[FONT=Arial, Verdana]well now you're rea;lly are being judgemental,If I'm unaware how does that make me "vile".You weren't tryingh to help you were accusing mer from the get go of selling Fakes,Which I and MY MAC MAKEUP ARTIST FRIEND(w/MAC over 10 years)AN EMPLOYEE OF MAC!!!Said they weren't & aren't,she looked at my entire stock!!!I threw out the supposed "Ente mauve"from swoosh uk,& REPORTED THEM & LEFT NEG.FEEDBACK.HOW IN FREAKING HELL DOES THAT MAKE ME VILE YOU UPPITY LIL TWIT??YES I"M NOW ANGRY!!!! this message always makes me laugh You are not helpful i was TRYING to be helpful in all messages sent,but immediately jumped up my keester,you were not nice or even very polite ???,calling me naive & "dodgy".OH YES & let's NOT forget YOU ASSUMED I KN EWNOTHING OF MAC PIGMENT,but obviously I did & do if I spotted several (2 fakes spotted, at least 2 obvious ones not...) fakes,as YOU POINTED OUT!!!I would have loved honest sttraight forward help then maybe she should have actually READ my messages... if you'd accutually offer any,you seem to think YOU"RE the EXPERT i didnt profess to know anything that hadnt been learnt on here....I'm so over & don e w/this & you...any further communication will be considered harassment.Have a lovely life." [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Verdana]I apologised a few times for being harsh, judgemental or whatever i was - and yet she is accusing me of doing what shew is doing in the next breath... Her neg feedback shows some people were not happy about her abuse so i dont think its just me that thinks this is a weird was to act (especially as she claims to be in the right).[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]Sorry again for the length i got a bit angry reading it back!- Im certainly having no further communication with her about this, though i do feel a bit down that it was left on a negative - that was not my intention at all. These things happen i guess.
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]:banghead:


Well-known member
why are you apologising to this biatch????? she attacked you in the first instance! you have to remember that most sellers of fake mac dont give a shit that its fake - she clearly doesnt care and is defending her apparent right to sell fake crap... you will get attacked more often than not by people like this so if you confront a fake seller in the future stick to your guns - you have validated her selling rubbish by apologising...


Well-known member
well spotted! the first 2 are definitely fake. The bottom 2 could be anything really from these pics its hard to tell - rule of thumb - if you arent sure or have any doubts at all then walk away...