more than friends?????


Active member
well, me and this guy have been friends for about 6 years, and everything was always casual we would pretty much just chit chat via myspace (when it was the cool thing too)and face,we went to school together but i never really paid attention to him so when he requested me on myspace i accepted because i used to accept everyone, and i just pretty much let him sit there, until one day i commented his pic and from there out we talked frequent, later on down the road like a year or so once i we became good friends, we exchanged numbers online and literally he called as soon as he got it.

we talk alot on the phone when we were at home and text during the day we when had class or work. and most times we would talk til early in the morning about everything, i felt i could tell him everything, for whatever reason i felt happier talking to him than people who had been closer friends to me than him. later on like maybe middle to end of last year he started to step things up a notch,

i didnt realize until people starting to tell me that i had feelings for him more than a friend. he asked me to the movies saying, he wanted to but we didnt have to go to the movies together if i didnt want to, i told him i did and so it was pretty much a sealed deal, but the next day i didnt bother to call him or text or anything because i was waiting for him to contact me first to confirm for certain what day and time, he never called me either.

then sometime later on like maybe a week or two he tries to get together again, he plans a movie night, and i agree, then he goes on to ask can we cuddle while we watch movies, so i agreed to that as well,but that didnt work because the one day when we couldve had the house to ourselves to watch movies his brother needed use his car, then when he was finally able to come over we weren't able to spend anytime together and i couldnt answer his texts or calls because i spent the whole day fueding with mother over something trivial.

he told me before hand that he was going to play basketball with his friends, and should he just come back another night i probably shouldve said yes but after the day i had with my mother i just wanted to see him, because honestly whenever i talked to him when i was having a bad day, i would feel better after talking to him.

he got here and we talked for a little bit and hung out, but not soon after his friends starting going mad calling him asking him where he is, because the were short a player, so we still hung for a few more minutes then they called him back so he decided he should get going i was upset because he told me that he couldn't stay for long, but i noticed after that things slowed down

whenever i would try talking to him when his friends were around he couldn't talk long which i can kinda understand, but then it seemed like after that night him and friends were hanging out together alot. i told my friend about him and i felt about him so he used my cellphone and asked him out on a date for me, and he said YES ,
but then i asked was he free tues, he said no he had to work on his car, and strangely he told me earlier THAT day he couldnt come over because he had to work on his car he gave me that excuse two days in a row, but those two days his friends came by and picked him,

so i asked how about weds., he said he had to go to a friends bday party, so i talked to my cousin the next day and he said he shouldve came up with some day he was available, and the more my cousin talked the more hurt and angry i got so i text him from work and told him that wasnt me but my friend just joking around with my phone and didnt want to go on a date, i felt bad once i snapped out of my hurt and anger, and realized how he seemed hurt when i told him that, after that i didnt hardly ever hear from anymore and when i did our conversation were really drab, he seemed to have an attitude, one day i decided to ask him out to lunch anyway he replied back telling me he had a girlfriend

the time frame he gave me for how long they had been dating was literally right after i told him that was friend playing on my phone. again i was so hurt i didnt talk to him for a month, then one day i see her going crazy all over his fb wall, and what hurt even more is they way we would text each other thats how shes typing on his wall then she goes on to say how he gave her that idea.

so i hadnt talked to him in about three months and deleted him off my fb, so she calmed down and wasnt visible to the whole fb community, but when we started talking again and we were talking casually, but then he starts acting funny again and suddenly she pops back up on fb like she wants me to see her.

i would really just like to move on from him because he seriously hurt me alot, sorry for this long story but i just feel pretty bad about because i developed feelings for him over the years

ps not to mention this girl is lot younger than us me and him are in our twenties and this girl is sitting in cafeteria with a hannah montana bag and she loves hannah montana so if you get my point

sometimes i actually think he never had a girlfriend he just hired his sisters friend just so i could go away because his friends said something because everytime certain guys in his circle get a girlfriend or anything of that nature theytalk about her talk about the guy is whipped and punk and can't spend time with, what are some of your thoughts?


Well-known member
If you want to move on from him, which is a smart thing to do, then do that. Don't contact him on facebook or whatever else, and don't keep track of what this other girl is doing.

Originally Posted by GorgeousJocey
sometimes i actually think he never had a girlfriend he just hired his sisters friend just so i could go away because his friends said something because everytime certain guys in his circle get a girlfriend or anything of that nature theytalk about her talk about the guy is whipped and punk and can't spend time with, what are some of your thoughts?

You know what, it doesn't matter. We can all speculate about his thoughts and actions - so what if he did hire his sister's friend, so what if he didn't. The point is, you want to move on from him. Trying to guess why he did what he did is not moving on from him.


Well-known member
Either way, if it's true then he has a gf and you will have to get over him anyway or he made it up and is sending a clear sign that he wants you to think he's taken. It seems like you both had missed connections and a few little mind games along the way... and while this could have possibly become more it was more of a "testing the water". I could see where his ego has been bruised a little bit, if you still want to be friends I would just give it some time.


Well-known member
I think it's best for you to move on, cut him out of your life for the time being it will make it much easier. I think he may have felt the same way but dealt with it in an immature way. If he really liked you I don't think anything could have stopped him from pursuing you. Boys who care about their friends calling them whipped and stuff need to grow up in my opinion.
I hope everything works out for you though, and good luck