Morning Sickness Relief?


Well-known member
The only thing that helped me was popsicles. Then I saw an article that popsicles were proven to help morning sickness. try it!


Well-known member
I couldn't help but to answer this, because no one has yet mentioned a remedy that helped me out tremendously -- freshly-cut lemon wedges! Have them cut and at the ready in your fridge, and when a wave of nausea comes, grab a wedge and chomp down on it.

I can't explain why it works, but I swear, it works every time (and I've got 4 kids, who all brought various degrees of morning sickness with them in the beginning stages)!

You can also make a homemade version of ginger tea w/o actually using ginger (in case it IS dangerous, as someone pointed out) -- just take some plain ol' hot tea and add some ginger ale to it
... my nurses did that for me, and it helped settle my stomach as well

Feel better, and continued good health throughout your pregnancy!


Active member
congrats on your pregancy, i just found out im 4 weeks pergant , and i feel the same way you do , but im going to the doctor soon so hopefully they can give me something for it


Well-known member
I was sick with nausea and dry heaves and gagging for the first 6 months of my pregnancy-it was awful! What I did was not eat anything that made me feel worse when I looked at it. For example, I couldn't stand the sight of green veggies which I always at a lot of before and yet I craved tomatos wildly and I never really ate them much before. As long as I gave in to the cravings and didn't try to force myself to eat "right" I could keep the nausea to a managable level.

Other things I did were to take my pre-natals at night and one thing that particularly worked for me was Sunchips. They are like snacky chips made out of some sort of whole grain and I used to eat a few every morning before school to keep the belly settled.

Personally I just think that different things work for different people depending on your body/your pregnancy.


you know, my wife had extreme hyperemesis during both of her pregnancies, and throughout the whole thing, not just the first fact, she puked bile when she was in labor! but nothing really helped her, not much. the only thing that could kind of help her was to suck on those green striped peppermints, and that only helped a tiny bit. other than that, she tried peppermint tea, ginger, ginger tea, flat coke, sprite, zofran, phenergan.....pretty much everything. towards the last month she finally began to gain weight, and the babies were healthy the whole way through, it just sucked. i hated to see her cry all the time because she hated to throw up. but hopefully you don't go through the same thing.


Well-known member
I was nauseated 24/7 from 4 weeks to 14 weeks. The only relief I found was in not eating, and just taking my vitamins with real ginger ale (Reeds). You don't necessarily need to eat so much this early on in pregnancy, and if you can't keep anything down, what is the point anyway :p

Other good suggestions I've heard from doctors and other "experts" are: Lots of B6, peppermint tea, and eating only tiny portions of salty starches.

Congrats and good luck!


Well-known member
I had severe HG with my second daughter. My OB gave me Zofran and it probably saved my life. I was hospitalized 5 times in 9 days before I found a doctor that would give me the Zofran. (Military doctors aren't always helpful...)


Well-known member
I had 24/7 morning sickness with both pregnancies. Nothing really worked. I found that if I ate only what I wanted and when I wanted I would not throw up. In my case if I forced myself to eat something because it was "good" - up it came. Baked goods like muffins helped. Anything light and fluffy and filling seemed to keep my stomach under control. Milkshakes. I am unable to take prenatals even when not pregnant. They are just too strong. I was told to take 2 childrens flintstones vitamins a day by my dr. I was able to handle those.

Picture this: husband driving car, wife with morning sickness all the time in the passenger seat making him stop at just about every rest area for some new craving (and lo and behold one resturaunt did serve -it was on the menu- a head of lettuce with blue cheese dressing - go figure), a 2 yr old in the backseat who had perfected the art of spitting, and the babysitter hiding under a blanket. For a 3 day drive to Disneyworld.

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