Mother and Daughter Lie to Win Hannah Montana Tix


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
....This is one of those unapologetic apologies.....

Yeah, like when someone says "I'm sorry you feel badly about what I said to you" rather than "I'm sorry for what I said. It was unkind."

Those unapologetic apologies generally deflect any guilt or responsibility for the actions taken/words said. Really heart felt, eh.....not so much.

Originally Posted by lsperry
The public punish her child??!! No woman! YOU punished your child. Children can understand anything you tell them. How so easy it would have been to tell her child they couldn’t afford to see Hannah Montana……Could have been a good lead-in to teaching her child how to be financially responsible and the importance of getting an education so that when she has HER children she can provide the necessities and some of the luxuries! How pathetically pitiful this is…
