Movies that disturb you :(


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Hostel - way to gory I was sick already at the time, but watching some of it was making me heave it was so disgusting.

Last House on the Left - could have been just cause we were watching the unrated version, but there's a rape scene in this movie that lasts way to long, its horrid, i felt sick and really sad.


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Originally Posted by DOLLface
I'm so excited to go see Zombieland. Most of my family is on board to see it with me.

I missed Sorority Row because I wanted to watch the original before the remake and it kept getting moved down in my Netflix queue. I'll finally get around to watching it during my crazy viewing schedule for October or as I like to call it, the most wonderful time of the year (in a sing-song voice, of course).

I just watched The Descent and High Tension this weekend. The Descent was ok, but I was expecting more from it. High Tension was amazing and I highly recommend it, especially if you are a bit of a gore hound.

let us know you how like Zombieland, you're in for a treat!

October is indeed the most wonderful time of the year
the weather here is just starting to cool down, there's a chilly breeze in the air. plenty of scary movies to watch! The sci-fi channel (will always be sci-fi to me) has started to air a marathon of scary movies - the cheesy, made-for-tv, sci-fi original movie kind
when it comes to horror movies I don't discriminate, I like all of 'em. I think AMC also airs scary movies throughout the month, I think it's called MonsterFest

Originally Posted by ashtn
Hostel - way to gory I was sick already at the time, but watching some of it was making me heave it was so disgusting.

Last House on the Left - could have been just cause we were watching the unrated version, but there's a rape scene in this movie that lasts way to long, its horrid, i felt sick and really sad.

Ok, I really like Hostel. There's just something really creepy about the whole Eastern Euro tourists vibe.. Hostel 2 takes it a step further and almost parodies the first movie, it's quite amusing to watch.

Last House on the Left.. ok, a great movie. good remake. But I agree about the rape scene..very hard to watch. that was the intended effect for the viewer, but still. Made me queasy.


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I just watched Cannibal Holocaust. It's not the worst movie ever, not even that disturbing really.

Well, maybe i shouldnt say its not disturbing, the animal deaths on there ARE real, and it made me feel so sad.

A word of advice, dont try to eat while you're watching this or after.
and for awhile after, meat will disgust you.


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Trick or Treat comes out tommorow, I have been looking forward to seeing this for years!


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Originally Posted by alka1
I wonder why they haven't done that already.. give a foreign horror film a wide-release in the US, instead of just remaking it. Obviously they want to make more money by casting well-known US actors.. but it worked for Life Is Beautiful (not a horror movie, but still), why can't it work for movies like REC?

We rented this movie from our local Family Video, so check around you
I didn't get a chance to watch it, but my fiance did and didn't enjoy it... maybe I'll have to rerent it.


Well-known member
These have already been mentioned, but I'll throw in my votes for Old Boy and Audition.

I'm intent on making this October the year I finally make it a point to watch all the movies I've been meaning to... Cannibal Holocaust and Suspiria will be first on the list.

For anyone who might be a bit queesy and doesn't like traditional "horror" movies like alot of the stuff that's been mentioned, but want something mildly disturbing, and an awesome, beautiful and incredible movie, see Pan's Labyrinth. I finally saw this earlier this year and fell in love. It's like a grown up, scary fairytale.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
Trick or Treat comes out tommorow, I have been looking forward to seeing this for years!

Trick r Treat has been on my must watch list for quite sometime now (it's actually been saved in my Netflix queue for over a year). I've heard so many great things about it and I'm glad it's finally being released. I plan on watching it Halloween night.

I will also finally get around to watching both Hostel films, Audition, Old Boy, The Last House on the Left remake, and much more this October.

KimmyAnn_678 - I hope you enjoy Suspiria; it's one of my favorites.



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If you're in the LA area, the Arclight theatres is showing the movie Paranormal Activity for a week, ending Thursday. Every showing starts at midnight.

it's a low budget film that has limited release and has received really good reviews. I really want to see it, might be going Wed or Thurs.


Well-known member
I'm interested in Paranormal Activity, since it's starting to be called the most terrifying movie of the decade.

It's slowly getting a wide release. If you go to Eventful you can put in a demand that it come to your city.

I think eventually it will get a full release because of how much buzz is surrounding it and how well it's doing in a limited number of theaters. I would love to see it, partly just to see the audiences reaction.


Well-known member
i recently watched "the last house on the left" and there is a rape scene in it that's not necessarily the most graphic thing i've ever seen, but it is so disturbing and it goes on for sooo long. my boyfriend fast-forwarded it because he said he just couldn't handle watching it anymore.
it really bothered me. it's been about 2 weeks since i watched it and it STILL bothers me.


Well-known member
does anyone know what paranormal activity is about? of course i demanded it haha but am scared it is going to be like white noise, which was a huge dissapointment for me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
does anyone know what paranormal activity is about? of course i demanded it haha but am scared it is going to be like white noise, which was a huge dissapointment for me.

From Wiki: Quote:
The movie centers around a young couple, Katie and Micah, who are haunted by a demonic presence in their home. The movie is presented through the cameras set up by the couple to capture the ghost activity.

They apparently hear stuff haunting them throughout the night, so they set up cameras to try and figure out what it is.

Night-vision cameras really scare me for some reason.. Anyone remember the alien video that was released a few months ago on the news? Kinda similar to the plot of the movie! This man kept hearing noises outside, so he set up a night-vision camera and he ended up capturing a small alien looking through his window.

I think ultimately they declared it was fake.. but the whole thing was just creepy.

As for White Noise, the trailers were scarier than the movie
Remember the trailer with the old lady's voice saying "I will see you no more" and then they said she had died a long time ago. Still gives me goosebumps to this day


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
does anyone know what paranormal activity is about? of course i demanded it haha but am scared it is going to be like white noise, which was a huge dissapointment for me.

I definitely know what you mean about White Noise. It's been quite awhile since I've seen it, but I just remember that I was really confused by the ending (although with my memory I could be thinking of a completely different movie).

I watched Hostel for the first time last night and I have to say, it just might be one of my new favorites. I have a hard time finding horror movies from the past decade or so that I truly like and Hostel definitely surprised me because I was expecting just a whole lot of in your face torture. I love movies that really utilize sound over visuals to create scares (and when they don't show you everything that's happening because what you imagine is going to much scarier than anything they could show) and Eli Roth did quite a bit of that.


Well-known member
thanks.. i was so excited when white noise came out! they had an awesome trailor! but the movie did not scare me at all

i love being scared


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There are not too many movies that bother me because I do not watch them kinds of movies. There is a TV show that makes my fucken blood boil. And it the Family Guy. Most of the scenes in that show do not bother me but I hate the fact that the make a joke of that molester guy. That shit is not fucken funny. Im sure it bothers people who were molested. I refuse to watch that show.


Well-known member
I went and saw Paranormal Activity and have never ever once in my life been scared by a movie until this one. It's not the best made movie I've ever seen, but they only had a budget of 11,000 I think to make it. But it creeped me out so bad I literally just lied in bed all night awake. I was still a little shook up 3 days later. It's a movie about demon possesion and that kind of stuff for some reason bother me more that torture, murder, rape horror movies. I highly reccomend that if it's playing in your city ou go and see it!


Well-known member
That Poughkeepsie was just trippy! I should watch it tonight in the dark and see how it freaks me out.

I'm trying to think of movies I've found disturbing, but I can't think of one at the moment. I know there's a movie that I've been avoiding due to its reviews, it's called Irreversible. It literally goes backwards so the beginning of the film is a guy getting his face smashed in, in a bathhouse. According to a few people, the background music has a specific vibration or tone that is known to cause people nausea, so people were literally getting up and leaving the movie theater. It also has a 15 minute rape scene.


Well-known member
Friday afternoon I rented the French horror film Martyrs to continue my Shocktober viewings and oh my goodness, it amazed me. It will definitely disturb the average viewer, so if you can't take gore and very, lets say unique, subject matter, I'd avoid it.

I watched Hostel: Part 2, which was not good. I get the feeling Eli Roth was under contract for a second film and he had a to crank out a sequel because the film had very little substance and odd scenes that were never explained.

I also watched Scanners and if I ever meet David Cronenberg I will thank him for making me so very happy.


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